Chapter 1

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Previously ...

We had to fly to a state where gay marriage is legal to do it but it's worth it. Chuppy is my best man and Jinxx is Ashs. Jake and his new girlfriend Ella and Jinxxs fiancée Sammi are sitting with my parents and Ashs grandparents. Sandra came too and is happily talking with the others. Right now I'm just standing at the door watching. Ash is standing up front looking sexy in a white button up shirt and black skinnies and black boots. I'm so fucking nervous. I start taking deep breaths to calm myself.

Finally the music starts up and I walk through the doors. I make my way slowly down the aisle and take Ashley's hand. The priest starts talking and I smile at Ash happily. I've never been so happy.

Then I hear a crash and someone yelling,"Stop! Andy don't! I love you!" I turn to stare at the person in the doorway. Oh fuck.


Andy P.O.V

I stared at Scout who was standing in the doorway staring at us. What is her deal? Can't she just leave me alone?! I mean she cheated me, not the other way around. I just want to be with Ashley, grow old with my outlaw and be happy.

"Scout, what are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"Andy I love you. Please don't do this. Please please god please don't do this." she had tears running down her face.

"You had your boyfriend stab Ashley!" I yelled. "He tried to beat us both and he stabbed Ashley! That's not love."

"I'm so sorry I was jealous. I thought you had moved on and I didn't want to accept it." she cried.

"I did move on! I was with Ashley, I am with Ashley! You just interrupted my wedding!" I yelled.

"Scout you need to leave." my dad said and stood up.

She stared at us all for a moment then smirked. "Fine, I'll leave. But I should tell you all. I'm not here for you Andy, I was hired to stop the wedding, by your little drummer boy." she put air quotes around fiancée. What the fuck did she mean though.

"CC ?" I turned to him confused. He looked terrified.

"What's going on here!" my dad roared.

"I'm so sorry Andy, I'm so so fucking sorry." CC cried.

"Chuppy what's going on?" I demanded.

"I wanted her to convince you guys to kill the wedding. I love Ashley and I didn't want you guys to go through with the wedding." he cried.

"What!?" I stared at him. I didn't even notice when Scout disappeared.

"We had sex Andy. Ashley and I had sex the night you got back from tour. He was drunk and didn't know but I was still sober. I wanted it, I wanted him and I haven't been able to forget about it. I don't want you two together." he said staring at me.

"Ashley?" I turned to him. Tears were running down his face. "Ashley, is it true? You and" I couldn't even get the words out. It hurt to much.

"Yes." he whispered. "I woke up and I was with CC. I didn't know what to do. I told him not to say anything to anyone and I went home and told you the doctors had wanted to see me."

Tears rolled down my face as I stared at the man I loved. How could he? The one person I loved more than life had cheated on me with one of my best friends. I didn't think, I just ran. I ran from the room and out the church doors. I kept running until I thought my chest would explode. I fell to my knees crying, I didn't care about the looks I was getting. I was dead. Now I think its a good thing I got that apartment.

I slowly climbed to my feet and went home. I packed my things and put them in the car before driving to the little apartment. I took everything inside and just sat on the floor. After awhile I picked up my phone to see all the missed calls and texts. They were all worrying and asking where I was. I didn't want to talk to them though so.I just threw my phone at the wall and walked out of the apartment building.

I walked down the street for a little while before I found myself at a bar. I went inside and sat down and ordered a shot, then another and another. I was surprised when Jinxx sat down beside me.

"Hey Andy? How are you doing?" he asked quietly.

I laughed,"How the fuck do you think I'm doing! My fiancée cheated on me with my best friend!" I yelled.

"Andy, he was drunk. Ash was drunk you heard him!" Jinxx said. "He didn't want to hurt you that's all."

I turned to Jinxx and glared but he looked like he didn't care that I was angry. He just looked worried. Jinxx leaned forward slowly like he was examining me then without warning he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back immediately forgetting everything.

Jinxx P.O.V

I couldn't help kissing him. I've loved Andy since the day we met but I had Sammi and didn't want to believe I was in love with some one else. I still have Sammi and I was going to regret this kiss. I knew I would when I leaned on to kiss him, knew I would regret it.

"Jinxx?" I pulled away from Andy to see Sammi staring with tears in her eyes.

"Sammi? Oh god, what have I done?" I stared wide eyed as tears slid down my cheeks.

"Jinxx I am so sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. Sammi please please forgive me!" Andy cried. What was he doing?

"Andy, why were you kissing my fiancée?" Sammi asked.

"I couldn't help it. I'm so sorry!" Andy was crying.

"Andy, I know your upset..and drunk, but kissing other guys isn't going to help." Sammi scolded.

"I know, I'm sorry. Im so so sorry!" he was really convincing.

"I know Andy, I'll forgive you. Now lets get you home." She stepped forward and I helped her carry Andy out to the car. We got back to his apartment, that's where he wanted to go, and carried him inside. We got him in and got him in bed.

"I'll change him." I said quietly and Sammi nodded and left the room. "Andy, why did you do that? Why did you cover for me? I kissed you." I said and started undressing him.

"I don't want you to lose her. Not like I lost Ash." his voice cracked on Ashley's name.

"I'm so sorry." I said. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "I wish I could be with you." I whispered and kissed him lightly on the lips. I looked down at him for a moment more before I turned and left. What have we done? Me and Chuppy may have just destroyed this band.


first chapter done! yay ^_^

~Cece Dawn, The Wretched

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