Chapter 7

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Andy P. O. V.

"So are you guys ready for tonight? " Jinxx asked. " I heard all of you... Doing everything, all night. " he winked.

I blushed like crazy and hid my face in Ashs hair. I kept my arms tight around his waist and peeked up to see CC and Jake both bright red too.

" That's right, I heard it." Jinxx smirked.

"You walked in on naked Andy and Ashley. " CC smiled. I flipped him off as we stepped inside the venue.

" This is gonna be awesome. " I grinned at the stage and the guys setting up the pyrotechnics.

" Excited? " Ash asked looking up at me.

" Fuck yes! " I cheered. I ran towards the stage so I could watch them set up.

I stood there for awhile. The guys eventually got bored and went to get ready but I stayed and chatted with the guys. When I got bored I jumped off the stage and started for the dressing room.

" Andy! " I heard a shrill voice scream my name. What the fuck? No one should be in here.

I turned around just in time for the girl from last night to jump on me. She had her legs wrapped tightly around my waist and her arms around my neck like a vice. She then proceeded to crush my lips with her own. I yelped and stumbled back a step as I flailed my arms. I started to pry her off me which took a minute, she's stronger than she looks.

I finally got her off me and she stared up at me smiling. " What's the matter baby? " Whoa what?!

" Baby? What are you talking about? Why did you kiss me?! I'm with someone! " I exclaimed.

" What? Who? I'll kill them!" she growled.

" Andy? " I heard Ashleys voice come from a doorway not far behind. I turned and half ran to him as I hugged him tightly.

" Wait, you're with Ashley? " the girl asked.

" Yes, I'm gay and Ashley is my boyfriend. " I said and looked her in the eyes.

" That's impossible. Andy you said you loved me! "she screeched.

" I love all of my fans! I'm not IN love with you. " I said.

" This isn't right. Who is she, why did she put you up to this? Andy I'll kill her! This isn't you, you aren't gay! " she yelled.

" Sir? Is this girl with you? Fans aren't supposed to be in here before hours, for safety reasons. I've been ordered to escort her out. " a security guard asked walking towards us.

" Um, no, I'm not even sure how she got in here. " I murmured.

The man nodded and grabbed the girls arm, not roughly, and led her away.

I turned back to Ash with a sigh. " Fans. " he muttered.

" Sometimes they scare me. " I said as I leaned forward and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and mine around his waist.

I heard a nervous cough sound behind us and pulled away from Ash blushing like crazy. I looked at the security guard from early and turned even redder.

" Um.. That girl. She seemed to be giving you a lot of trouble. If you want we can call the cops, I mean she is standing at the door screaming. " he said while shuffling his feet.

I looked back at Ash and he nodded. " I don't want to but I think it's for the best. "I say. The security guard walked away and I sighed.

" Guess I should go get ready. I can't wait for this show. " I grinned and ran for the dressing room with Ash behind me laughing.


Ok guys, I know it's been awhile and you were probobly expecting more. My phone is being stupid though. but i promise more ASAP

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