Chapter 10: Brothers and Sisters, oh MY

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A/N: Note to you all readers, I'm writing this chapter on a coach bus that does have LIMITED WI-FI. I can't go to twitter and get to YouTube because of this. The reason why I'm on a coach bus is because I'm going with the Victor Marching Blue Devils Field Band to Dayton, Ohio, and perform the show "Moby Dick" at Welcome Stadium. It is where I got the inspiration for this Fic. I am on the colorguard, so basically I spin a 6-foot metal pole with a silk on half of it and I march/dance with it. There are also rifles and sabers too. The rifles are just wood and the sabers are just basically metal with white electric tape. Wait. I talked too long about color guard, I need to get back on the story! I don't own Doctor Who nor Moby Dick, so bear with me.

I'm serious, I had limited wi-fi. I played Minecraft on the way back. I got to see a very cool rest stop on the thruway in Erie New York. It went OVER the road.

After we ate, I helped Lindsey get out of bed. I made sure that she was not falling over and tripping over herself. Once I was satisfied, I left the room so Lindsey can do her stuff. I walked out to the deck, had my face to the wind. I looked out to the sea, and saw a ship in the distance. I pulled out my telescope and looked through and saw the T.A.R.D.I.S. Mom was at the wheel, most likely arguing with Dad. Nicky was yelling at both them, trying to get their attention. He must of spotted the Spontaneous Me and trying to tell them that it's me. Jamie was no where to be seen, and Abbigail looked very excited to see me. I will have to challenge her to a race on the rooftops, knowing that she has boundless energy. I lowered the telescope and smiled. I then shouted, "HEY EVERYONE, MY PARENTS ARE COMING!" The whole crew cheered, happy that they weren't alone. Lindsey came out, fully dressed, hearing my cry.

"What?" She asked me, "Your parents are coming? That's great. Now Audrey can meet your family." Audrey came up behind her.

"Hannah, who's coming?" She asked me innocently.

I smiled at her, and kneeling down to her level, I said, "Well, my family is coming, Audrey. They're right over there." Lifting her up and pointing towards my parent's ship. "See that? That's the T.A.R.D.I.S., my parent's ship. I grew up on it. Me and my siblings joke that it is bigger on the inside."

"Is it?" Audrey asked.

"It looks like it, but I'm actually no sure." I said, "There are some rooms I have never been in. My mom was somewhat overprotective of me. More than your mother."

"Hey!" Lindsey exasperated, "I am NOT overprotective of Audrey!"

"Well you allow her more privileges than I had when I was three, even older. Grandmum didn't let me out of her sight when I was with her and Granddad." I retorted back, "And when I as with my mom and dad, Mom didn't let me go out of her's and DAD's sight, though Dad wasn't that very watchful." Remembering.

"Oh I hate you." Lindsey said.

"No you don't." I said back. I picked the retort from Mom and Dad when they go at it.

"Go welcome your parents." Lindsey ordered me. I complied.

I waited on the dock for my parent's ship to dock. As they got closer, I heard more of Mom and Dad's argument.

"Why won't let me steer her into the dock, Honey?" Dad whined to Mom.

"Because, Sweetie, last time I let you steer Sexy in a harbor, I was pregnant with Abbigail, and YOU destroyed the harbor. The locals haven't still forgiven you for it." Mom snapped back.

"River, I told you, I was distracted by Hannah and Nicholas arguing about who knows what, and the incident was almost 9 years ago!" Dad said, waving his hands trying to prove his point.

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