Chapter 24: Mentions of certain things

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A/N: I don't have anything to say, but the disclaimer. I don't own Doctor Who or Moby Dick.

Once we stopped laughing at Audrey's silly but true response, I asked, "Why did you come in here anyway, Audrey?"

"I wanted to see if Mommy was OK." She answered, "Drew and Gavi asked me to. They are very worried about you because did they said it? Your sudden mood shift after you summoned Hannah."

Lindsey was surprised at this, and I said offhandedly, "And the children shall lead..." That earned me a glare from Lindsey. I just rolled my eyes.

"Hannah, you can stop being sarcastic now." Lindsey reproached me, "And do you know what time it is?"

That caught me off guard. "Uh, Luckily I still have my amazing sense of time. 5 in the afternoon."

"Ah. So much more reliable than tracking the stars." She said, "Well then, Audrey, want to meet our new passenger?"

"Ok, mommy." Audrey said, getting up from my lap. I made a slight noise, missing the little weight on my legs. Lindsey gave me a slight glare, as she grabbed her little daughter's hand. "Is Hannah coming too, mommy?" The little girl asked.

"If she wants to." Lindsey said. I got up as she said this.

I stretched a bit, and said, "Ok, little terror, I'll come."

We all went down to below deck, with Audrey leading the way. "Mommy, who is the green-haired man?" The little girl asked Lindsey.

"Well..." Lindsey said, trying to find a way to explain it to her daughter, "He's who we're going somewhere else for." Sounding hopeful that Audrey would understand.

"Where are we going to take him?" Audrey asked again. Lindsey groaned a little.

"Let me." I said, "Audrey, we do not know where we're taking him. We have been told to take him anywhere, and he'll tell us when he's getting off."

"Sooo," Audrey said, trying to figure it out, "He is part of the crew until a certain point?"

Lindsey was ecstatic that I made Audrey understand what was going on. "Yes! He's part of the crew until a certain point." To Audrey. To me, "How did you make her understand?"

"Dad picked up a few "Strays" from time to time. He even picked up a guy named Craig Owens twice! The second time was with his son Alfie, whom Dad called "Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All"." I said, remembering every time Dad did so, "That's how Dad phrased it for us, especially my sometimes-dense sister."

"Your sister? Dense? Hah!" Lindsey said, not believing me.

"Uh, yes she is." I retorted back, "Case in point, Abby once believed Dad that there was a monster in their ship, in the locked room below deck. He told her this trying to get her to try and figure out how to open that door. He told me, Nick and Jamie this when we were young, and we didn't believe him because our Grandmum told us not to believe Dad whenever he gets like that, and we all went down there to figure out how to open the locked door. I did it in the most unexpected way possible: I stole the keys."

"How does this make her dense?" Lindsey said skeptically.

"She didn't get it until I asked her when was she going to try and break into the locked room." I smirked. That cause both Audrey and Lindsey to laugh. "See, that proves that she is dense."

"And how old was she?"


"That's older than me!" Audrey exclaimed. Both me and Lindsey laughed at the little girl.

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