Chapter 5

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Back home ride was completed in silence, Win drive in silent while Bright was catching up his sleep. As soon as Win took the highway Bright started softly snoring and Win didn't felt like disturbing his wife. But he will not feel at peace until he find some answer to his question. After reaching Win park his car and picked up his sleeping wife in his arms to take him inside their bedroom

Once inside Win put his wife to bed and slowly started taking off his hoodie. Before Win takes off the sleeve his eyes landed on Bright right hand knuckle, bruised with red patches. He pinched his eyes deeply sighing. Win gets up and bring first aid kit to put some ointment in the bruises. In sleep Bright flinched a little but didn't woke up. Win very softly and slowly finish putting medicine after clean up on his wife's knuckle and then he went to sleep beside him.

Next day morning when Bright woke up he didn't find his husband on bed, beside him. He went around his bedroom to check but Win was no where. He went downstairs and saw Win was sitting on the living room, couch and Tara was sitting in front of him with her head hang low as if she just got scolded. Bright slowly walk down to them and look at his husband who is all ready to go to his office.

When Win saw his wife, woke up, he gets up and informed the other two that he had arrange two bodyguards for his wife. And one car with driver for Tara. Bright tried to protest that he doesn't need bodyguards but his husband was very adamant to his decision and he left no room for his wife to argue further. For Tara, Win asked her until she is staying with them she will take the car and driver with her and come back home before midnight. He doesn't want anything  happen to her while she is staying under his roof. Afterall he has to answer her father too and when she leaves his house she can do whatever she wants and Win will not interfere in her life.

After explaining everything to both Bright and Tara about his decision Win immediately left to go to his office. Bright sigh his husband seems so upset with him. Win didn't kiss him and said love You like always before going to his work. Though Bright knew whatever happens has shaken his husband but it was never his intentions to upset his husband from the start. The rest of the day went well but not quite smoothly as Bright got scolded by  his parents, Omy and PV scold him for going out without informing his husband at night. Then Tine and Sarawat got very much worried as news reached to them with the viral videos for their son in law cursing and swearing Indian bad words and punching the guy in the club. After them it was Ranveer he also got worried. Out of all only Sammy and Krish came looking all  excited to take the first hand news and they all spend some time chatting, snacking, playing games and watching movies.

Bright was thinking about Win, he was missing his husband badly like always his husband didn't message him asking What he is doing or did he ate lunch or so.  So Bright decided of talking to his husband and if needed he will also apologize for everything. Bright was already feeling depressed when Win start giving him cold shoulder, as Bright don't have to explain more to his husband because Win understand everything,  why Bright didn't wake him up. But Win is still playing hard on him. Win came back from his work at night both boys ate their dinner in silence. Bright finish doing dishes, then he went back to their bedroom and realized Win went to his office room.

After dinner Win straight went to his office to make few important calls to his Private investigators. Later at night when Win enter in their bedroom Bright was still awake and waiting for his husband to talk. As Win entered, he straight went to his bed side and laid down. Immediately Win went to sleep without giving any single glance at his wife. After midnight Win started to stir at some point as he started feeling highly aroused. It took a few moments to realize him that his Wife is kissing along his neck and chest and Bright's one hand was palming his hard C rubbing up and down slowly.

The moment Win realize what was happening he gripped his wife hand to pulled her hand from himself and he leaned away from his wife balancing himself on his elbow. Win ask his wife sleepily "What are you doing?" Bright felt little embarrassed for attacking on his husband as he averted his eyes from his husband and stammered "I... I wanted y you.. to..". Win asked Bright "You wanted to what?!!". Win find his wife so cute but it's not the time to play he is upset though. Bright was not looking at Win as he was suddenly feeling embarrassed and shy. Win hold his wife's chin and asked again very softly "What is it Baby? How would I know if you won't tell me".

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