Chapter 27

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Bright couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his parents Omy and PV present in his in-laws bedroom. Sarawat and Tine felt bad when Bright expresses that he is missing his parents specially when he needs them the most. He know how much a person need his parents at the time like this. And they will never ever would like to see Bright being sad for any damn reason. As soon they left win mansion Tine immediately call PV and ask that he is sending his jet to India for them. At first PV and Omy was surprised then Tine just inform his friends that Bright is missing them. Both PV and Omy couldn't say No because they also miss their only son alot.

Bright screamed in full excitement not able to believe his eyes "Ohh My God Papa, Daddy are you guys really in London. When did you came. Why you didn't tell me you're coming here. I am so so happy to see you. I missed you so much.. Oh God I still can't believe you're here". Both Omy and PV hug their son and kissed his cheeks. Omy cried looking at his son after months. Sarawat and Tine were fondly looking at Bright getting happy and excited like a little kid after meeting his parents. After meeting his parents Bright saw his in laws watching him lovingly, he walk to them and gave both his in-laws a tight hug with teary eyes he softly muttered "Thanks Papa, Thanks Dad for calling them here for me. I love you both".

Sarawat kissed his baby Bright forehead and Tine cupped Bright's cheek ask him "We don't like to see you sad or depressed whatever you wants you just have to tell us, Okay?". Bright nods his head he is indeed a very lucky. After greeting, meeting and thanking each other Sarawat ask everyone that they should head down for dinner. All five walk downstairs . Win also get surprise watching his in-laws walking downstairs with his wife and parents. He came forward to greet them. PV smile and Omy hug Win and kissed his cheeks asking his wellbeing and some general question. Sarawat excused and went to his kitchen to check on dinner behind him Omy joined him. Tine and PV went to sit with other mens talking business and having drinks before dinner. Win and Bright went to joined Yash and Arav who were playing Xbox in the living room

Sarawat announce that dinner is ready they should come and sit on the dinning with others. Win whispered near Bright ear "let's eat Mama because I know both my babies are hungry" Bright happily grinned hearing about the food he cutely said out little louder in excitement "As you say, Daddy!". Both gets up and as soon as they turned around grinning at each other both boys froze and got stunned. They saw PV and Tine exactly standing right in front of them. Tine immediately start coughing. Win drop his hand from his wife's shoulder and he speed walk away leaving his wifey to face the two Daddy in front. Bright mouth fell open he glared at his husband for leaving him behind. Bright swallowed and awkwardly chuckled at the two saying "Daddy... D ...Dad ....I ...umm d dinner... Dinner is ready". Bright lowered his head and bite his tongue then speed walking in the direction of his husband. PV kept standing on his spot with neutral face. Tine cleared his throat and said "Bro I Guess You're not the only one whom Bright call Daddy!". PV rolled his eyes on his friend teasing and they both walk towards the dinning table with a smile.

Everyone settled down on dinning table. Bright was sitting between Omy and PV. Beside Omy was Sarawat then Tine , Win and besides him was Maya. Mr Anshuman was on the head chair. In front of them was Arya, Arav, Sam, Raj, Simran, Yash and his wife Suzanne. Food got served and everyone start eating but suddenly a wave of nausea hit Bright again. He hold his mouth and run towards the bathroom. Everyone instantly stop eating and look worriedly at Bright.

Win instantly got up and followed his wife back to check him. Omy and PV look at each other in confusion and worriedly. Sarawat ask others. Bright will be fine not to worry about him and continue eating. Win went to his wife rubbing his back in circular motions, to make him feel better in the bathroom. Bright cleared his stomach in a pot and felt relax after few minutes. Win help Bright wash his mouth with mouthwashes and gave him towel to wipe his face. Then Win brought his wife out holding him by his shoulder and make him sit on his chair carefully between his parents again.

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