Chapter 3: Tortured, Part 3

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It was strange to wake up in the morning and not be alone after so long without, but the good kind of strange. Ace was still asleep next to me, one of his legs thrown over mine as I slept on my back, him stretched out on his stomach. Which gave me a pretty good view of yet another scar, darker than the one on his hip and closer to the kind Blade had; though Ace's was just off his left shoulder blade. It worried me, both injuries did, but he was still here and alive and hadn't seem bothered at any point last night no matter where I put my hands or mouth on him. 

And I'd been pretty thorough. We both had.  

Even though I was sore in places--between my legs, my thighs, my hips, my breasts, my lips--that familiar drowsy warmth licked through me as I remembered what a long and vigorous night it had been, ignoring his scar and the worry it brought to focus instead on how sculpted and beautiful he was to look at and how great he'd been to touch and get close to.

I sighed, letting the memories wash over me as I decided against waking him up. He hardly slept as is and we did not get much rest last night, so he might as well have a lie in this morning.

Only, as if he heard my thoughts, he stirred with a groan and mashed his face into his pillow like he was annoyed that sleep was now evading him. He stretched, every delicious muscle tightening before he sighed and melted back into bed, head turning my way. His eyes opened to slits, too tired to try any harder than that, but a lazy smile touched his lips.

I grabbed his hand as I rolled over, pulling his arm over me like a blanket and he scooted closer, his front to my back as I placed our hands on my chest. It was so cozy to wake up like this, sun shining, birds chirping, everything quiet and peaceful and good. I could very easily get used to waking up like this every morning, even though I knew it was impossible.

He planted small kisses to the back of my neck and I scooted back, pressing into him. "Goodmorning."

"Gmorning," I echoed, kissing his hand in mine. He shifted a little behind me, lips at my ear and jaw, lifting our entwined hands to my chin, turning me to face him so he could kiss me properly, deep and slow. Even though we'd spent the better part of last night together, and I was a little sore from how long it had been, warmth seeped through me once more.

I dragged his hand down my chest, my stomach, my hips...

He hissed a breath, fingers sliding between my legs at my unspoken request, and I reached behind me to cup his jaw, twisting slightly to keep his lips on mine.

"Fuck," he groaned, sounding much more alert now. "Did you start without me?"

"No, I was just thinking about last night. It's been torture waiting for you to wake up."

"Next time--" one finger slid inside me "--wake me up."

I nodded vigorously. 

"Here's an idea," he said, still teasing me, "How about a nice hot shower then some breakfast?" 

Despite myself, I laughed, which made him stop. Unfortunate given the circumstance, but understandable. 

"And what is so funny about that?" he asked, petulant. 

"Have you ever even seen my shower?"

"No? Why?"

"Maybe go take a look at it before you start making plans," I said, snickering. Poor guy.

"Fine, color me intrigued," he said and got up to check it out, taking a beat to yawn and stretch again before he headed out. He was back approximately twenty seconds later. "Okay, so new plan--"

I laughed again.

The downside of this crappy little apartment was that everything here was little; the kitchen, the bedrooms, the nonexistent closet space, the bathroom, and that also included the shower. Just big enough for one and even then, it was rather cramped even if it got the job done. But it definitely was not possible to cram two people in there, definitely not for any extracurricular activities; you couldn't fit two people in there even if they were squashed together, much less to use it for its intended function.

"You stay here in bed, exactly as you are, I'll take a quick a shower, then make you breakfast while you shower, deal?" he said.

" Did you forget about me?"

"You? Never." He dropped back onto my bed and bent over me for a kiss. "I meant that would be after, since we obviously cannot multitask while showering."

He lowered himself over me, resting on his elbow as he kissed me, his other hand gliding down back between my thighs. Teasing me slowly, he built up the pressure and speed again until I couldn't help but moan and writhe, hips rocking into his hand...until my stomach growled. Loudly.

A Slave to Love, Broken Hearts, and Everything In BetweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora