Chapter 14: Teasing the Neighbor

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Kiana POV

"Hey," I said, yawning as I dragged myself into the elevator with Todd, shouldering my bag and mentally preparing for another long day at work that I was fully dreading.

"Rough night?" he asked sympathetically. Todd looked annoyingly awake for this hour of the morning and it only made me feel more tired and grumpy in comparison.

"Rough week. I can't wait to get home and relax." It was only 8 am and I hadn't even started work, and today was a double shift which was the worst way to end the week. I had twelve hours of work to go, thanks to covering for Mike's night shift on a momentary lapse of generosity that I was severely regretting now.

"You girls have anything fun planned?"

"Not really. Katie's studying tonight then out with her boyfriend. It's just me and Mazey tonight, with a special appearance from my bed." Ace was too busy with work to come over, which was disappointing as I'd hardly seen him or spoke to him all week, but I was also so tired I'd probably just end up passing out on top of him if he came over anyway.

Which was still a great way to sleep, but unfortunately it wasn't up to me.

"Sounds like a good night to me," he said, stepping aside to let me off the elevator first and into the lobby.

"I guess."

"You never know, it could be more fun than you expect," he said as we parted ways outside, him to his car and me to the bus stop. "Have a good day."

"You too, bye," I said, then trudged up the street to start my long ass day.

Autumn had fully set in which meant people were in the mood for hot coffee and sweet treats, especially anything cinnamon and pumpkin flavored, which meant we were also busier than usual. The busy day helped distract me from how tired I was but by the time I was riding the bus back home, darkness had already fallen, it was chilly, and I was a zombie dragging myself home and groaning aloud all the while.

I contemplated just tossing myself into my bed as soon as I got in, but I really wanted to shower and put on some cozy warm clothes to fully loaf so I forced myself into it. By the time I was clean and clothed, I was more awake and relaxed, the shower having washed the memory and stress of the week away, flipping a mental switch that made it okay for me to relax now that I was off and free.

Katie had left some dinner in the fridge, so I ate it on the couch in front of the TV, my phone next to me for easy access, the duvet from my bed draped across my lap for maximum comfort. As much as I hated this couch, I wouldn't be surprised if I passed out here all night from a pure lack of motivation to walk across the apartment to my bedroom later.

One bowl of microwaved pasta and an episode of Wheel of Fortune later, and I was slumped across the couch, Mazey curled up around my shoulders like a snoozing shawl, already asleep and I was about ready to join her.

Until the door buzzer went off, practically screeching me back to alertness.

I was so not answering that, even if it had jolted me from dozing. My legs and back hurt too much, as did my arms from a week of kneading dough every morning for the cafe, and I was far too lazy to move for anything barring emergency.

Somewhere down the couch--under my legs maybe?--my phone pinged. It was almost too far for me to bother, but if I wasn't going to answer the door, I could at least check my messages.

"Ace?" I yawned once I settled back into my spot. Mazey started purring again as soon as I was still and no longer bothering her.

"Did I wake you?" His amusement was so rude, but hearing his voice was lovely enough to make up for it.

A Slave to Love, Broken Hearts, and Everything In BetweenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang