arena battle

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Here's a video link to help imagine the character's voices.


I woke up to the sound of dragon's roaring. My eyes opened and I didn't realize how long I was sleeping. The looked up to the sky and my eyes were blinded by the sun. So it's probably the middle of the dragon. Groaning I slowly sat up and looked around to see what was happening.

All the other dragons who were stuck up here were looking down at something. Curious I look down too despite my fear of heights and down below was the fighting arena but it was full of SkyWings and various SandWings but of course, there was Queen Scarlet.

Scarlet: "Welcome to today's battle!"

Behind Queen Scarlet was Glory but she looked like she was imprisoned on some tree thing that was shaped like a claw. Glory looked like she was sleeping. I doubt she would be sleeping because how could you sleep through the sounds of dragons yelling and roaring.

 I doubt she would be sleeping because how could you sleep through the sounds of dragons yelling and roaring

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Scarlet: "Well? What do you think of my new art?"

I look at the crowd of dragons who were cheering and yelling. Even from up here my ears sound like they are about to explode then all of a sudden Scarlet yells out again.

Scarlet: "Bring in the combatants!"

Below scarlet was an opening, that was where the combatants came out of because you see a SkyWing come out of the opening. You were confused about why a SkyWing is fighting in their kingdom. Did they commit a crime or treason or were they willing to fight?

Arena spectators: "YAY! HUZZAH! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

The crowd of dragons only grew louder by the second but near your 'prison' two SkyWings guards picked up a SandWing but the SandWing was very reluctant.

SandWing prisoner: "GET OFF ME!"

The SandWing was thrown onto the sandpit of the arena in front of the SkyWing dragon who just stared at it. I feel bad for the SandWing because it looked terrified to be there. I would be terrified too because there would be no way a 15-year-old could win a fight against an adult dragon. Before the fight could start the crowd went silent when another dragon behind Scarlet started to speak.

SkyWing: "After four victories, Horizon the SandWing - formerly, and unwisely, a soldier in Blaze's army - has been challenged to a match with the Queen's champion, Peril."

That name sounded familiar until it finally hit you.

Y/N's mind: "Oh no..."

You knew what was going to happen because Peril has scales that burn anything it touches so Horizon has no chance of beating her, he's a goner. Though it was odd for a Horizon to be afraid of Peril because he was way bigger than her but everyone here probably knows that Peril has scales that burn everything it touches.

Scarlet: "Claws ready...FIGHT!"

After Scarlet yelled out fight, the crowd roared again so RIP my ears. I looked down again but this time I was covering one of my ears. Peril's scales all of a sudden started to light up in flames and Horizon started to back away from her as she starts to slowly walk towards him.

Horizon tried to blind Peril by swiping his tail across the dirt to blind her it doesn't affect her. He tried to attack her by trying to stab her with his tail barb but she smacks his tail like it was nothing causing it to burst into flames.

Horizon: "AAAAH!"

Horizon cries in pain as he stumbles onto the ground and tries to roll around to extinguish the flams that were burning his tail. Horizon told his tail in pain and brings it to his chest not wanting Peril to touch it again. His tail was burnt to a crisp, it was all black and charred. Just one second of Peril touching you could give you 4th degree burn. Horizon was backed into a corner, afraid to even move but Peril just slowly walks up to him with her left talon in the air and she puts her talon on his wing membrane causing it to burn, leaving a claw mark on him.

Horizon: "AIYEEEEE!"

Horizon quickly gets out of the corner but he stares at Peril. I was confused why he was standing in front of Peril doing nothing but he suddenly tackles Peril, hugging her which caused a hissing sound. His entire body was covered in flames

Scarlet: "Well, that was boring. I hope tomorrow someone will at least try to amuse me. Today's games are over!"

Horizon's body was no more. His body was completely burn and what was left of him was nothing but a pile of ash. Poor Horizon, he ended his life because there's clearly no way to beating Peril without severely burning yourself.

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