♡Chapter 5♡

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Ryan wasn't letting go, so Seb sat on the blanket, they were in a part of the park that was close to a forest so no one really came there. Ryan just focused on hugging Seb, he could sleep there but then he decided to at least look around.

He saw the same blanket from they're first date, balloons in white and a light purple and in the shape of hearts, more food like berries, red roses and small purple flowers.

The area was covered by trees so no one could see them then he noticed a small box a black one he looked at it confused raising his head from Seb's shoulder.

"Hey Seb?"


"What's in that box over there?"

"It's........a surprise!"

Ryan playfully hit him. Seb laughed.

"Tell me!"

"No, not yet.."

Ryan pouting again, Seb kissed his forehead.

"Put the pout away, you'll see it in a bit"

He just pouted more.

"Hey, put the pout away.."

He just looked away. Seb sighed but smiling at his cuteness.

They ate some food, played, talked about random shit. Ryan got up so did Seb, Seb took his hand and took him to a tree, they climbed the tree  and soon were in a tree house.


*1 month ago*

Seb was taking a break in the park when he noticed a spot behind the trees, no one was there, it was peaceful and quiet.

He walked to the spot and noticed it was a good spot for dates or something, he walked towards the forest next to it and saw an abandoned tree house.

He climbed the tree to get there and it was stable but he thought it wouldn't hurt to add more to it to make sure it was safe. He decided to call a friend who works with this kind of stuff to help, he did this with the idea of taking Ryan here.

After a few weeks of hard work and tests it was completely safe. He then bought a few things here and there to decorate the place, he made more of Ryan's liking so he'd be really happy and could come here to get away.

Then came the day he would ask Ryan the important question. He bought more for the tree house and started actually decorating the place. He put fake candles that use batteries
(we ain't trying to burn the place down 🥲 lol ignore me 💀)

He put pictures of them together in the shape of a heart, purple led lights, covered the floor in rose pedals, ( I think it's right? Pedals? It still looks wrong 🥲 again ignore me 😭) moved a few bean bags, and tables. He decided to put more flowers and plants 🪴 for decoration.

He got everything set and texted Oliver to bring him over to the spot.



Ryan looked around amazed. He was so excited and then looked at pictures of them on the wall, it was in the shape of a heart. He saw more of his favorite flowers, and a bunch of his favorite things.

"Oh my god....seriously when did you plan this?"

"Umm about a month ago?"


"Yeah, I didn't think I would actually do it but I thought of this a month ago"

"What about the tree house?"

"I had one of my friends who is an expert help make this place more stable"

(I'm not going into detail we all read the flaskback 🥲)

"Oh- I just remembered something wait here"

Ryan sat in a bean bag, thinking how insane that this was planned so long ago, it was perfect tho, he enjoyed it, he was wondering if he should confess to him.

I mean they seemed like a couple already you would have mistaken them if you didn't know them. They acted so obvious but neither of them noticed it.

Ryan thought what he should do if he confesses, what if he said no? What if the other members didn't accept them? What if they were kicked out? Even if they didn't it would be weird to be the only couple in the group...
(That's what he thinks 😏😉)

Soon Seb came back with gift bags?

"What is this?"

"Well I just got a few things for you..."

"A few? That's looks like a lot!"


I thought yall definitely deserved it 💜

Thank you for reading and I love you guys!💜

I still am doing the next chapter tomorrow tho so dw!

Bye loves, have a good day/afternoon/night! 💜🥰

I'll check for typos tomorrow too**

You Are My Star ♡SebRyan♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz