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I can't exactly remember why, but Chan and I have been fighting for almost a whole week. Somehow we ended up getting at each other for the smallest things.

"Chan! Be careful!" I warned him, he was about to knock over a cup of water with his elbow. I tried to warn him in time but that ended up startling him and knocking over the cup.

I groaned and let out a deep sigh, trying to control my patience. "Chan, you need to be more careful!" I told him, he scoffed. "I didn't see it, calm down!" He told me.

I raised an eyebrow at him and looked up to see his face. "Calm down, you for one didn't drink the water, two you wasted water, and three made a mess! And you're here telling me to calm down? Ridiculous seriously..." I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to the cabinet and got a cloth.

"Y/n, don't give me an attitude. Would you like to watch your tone?" He asked me, I swallowed hard and walked back to the counter. "Watch my tone?" I asked him as I tried my best to soak up the water.

"Yes, don't fucking start arguing with me over stupid water." My blood boiled. "Stupid water? Do you know how many people are dying of thirst just for a single drop of water!" I yelled at him, I looked up and he was glaring at me with those cold eyes.

"You don't have to be that dramatic." He said under his breath. I looked down and went back to the sink and twisted the cloth to try and get the water out.

"Just go." I said to him, he laughed. "This is my apartment too, you know that right?" He asked me. "Of course I know that. I meant just leave the room." I said to him, I didn't want to argue more.

"Fuck no." He said, I scoffed and threw the cloth right at him without even realizing my actions. "Shut up already!" I yelled at him, I stormed out of the kitchen and went to our bedroom, locking the door from behind.

I walked over to our bed and sat down and just laid down on my back soon after, then just let tears take over. Fighting with Chan was rare, extremely rare, but fighting like this for almost a week is shocking to say the least.

I heard footsteps walk towards the door, I close my eyes and cover my ears. I could hear his voice but in mumbles. "Don't remove your hands from your ears." I told myself, but let curiosity let to the best of me and removed my hands.

"Y/n open the door please." He begged, I scoffed and refused. "Go fuck yourself!" I yelled at him. "Fuck you then!" He yelled back, I should have expected it, but somehow it let my eyes slip tears down my cheeks.

I asked myself once again, why were we fighting? Oh right, my coworker.

I was at a coffee shop with my coworkers who are my friends, and somehow Chan ended up showing up and seeing me in his perspective, "flirting with him".

I was five chairs away from him, and I'm not even that close with him. I remember looking towards his direction and waving at Chan, but he rolled his eyes at me. I was taken aback and confused, but brushed it off.

I got home and he just gave me the cold shoulder. "Ow." I simply said as I had tried to form a conversation. "You think you're hurt? What about me huh. You were fucking flirting with that piece of shit." He glared right at me.

I let out a small laugh, "What do you mean flirting?" I asked him, I was confused. "With your other boyfriend across the table." He said. Still I was confused, I knew who he was talking about, but still I didn't talk to him. "I wasn't flirting with him." I said straight up to him.

"Of course you're going to deny it, but I saw you two with both of my eyes, I'm not stupid." He said. "For fucks same he's gay!" I screamed at him and stormed off. I think that's our problem. We've never talked it out and resolved the conflict.

It made the problem way more worse. Still, I didn't want to talk to him. I suddenly heard the door knob wobble, soon after that the door opened. I groaned and sat up. "Why can't I ever be away from you?" I asked him, he ignored me. It was now or never.

I stood up and walked towards him. "Look, I don't want to fight anymore Chan, you can just apologize now and we can forget about this...." I said with a sigh and looked down at our feet. "Apologize?" he let out a laugh. "I'm not in the wrong here."

"Because of you the argument won't end. You have been bitching around this whole week and you want me to apologize! You're fucking stupid." He screamed at me. I shivered a bit, and looked up at him. Shit, my vision is blurry. I can't believe I'm crying.

"I wasn't flirting Chan! He's just a coworker and I'm not interested in him!" I sobbed at him. It was nothing but the truth. "I don't believe you." He simply said. These three words made this whole situation worse, I've never liked these words, but it was a one time thing only.

"I hate you."

We stayed silent, the air felt thick. I couldn't breath, suddenly my vision went black. And before I knew it, I passed out.

"Y/n. Y/n wake up!" I heard that familiar voice call out my name. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a soft mattress and warmth on my body.

I rubbed my puffy eyes and saw him, Christopher, with red eyes. I sat up slowly and he quickly took me into his embrace, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I am so sorry." He quietly said, pushing back that sob. I didn't want to argue anymore, I didn't have the energy to.

"Your blood pressure went down, get some rest, I'll bring you a meal." He let go of me and looked at my face, examining the red puffy eyes, dried up tears that were on my cheeks, red nose, and then kissed my lips.

I didn't say a word.

"Y/n?" He said my name.

"Yeah?" I asked. He sighed in relief. "I just didn't think you wanted to talk to me." He said. "I don't." I said.

We kept looking at each other. The silence eating us up one by one. Chris walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down.

"Okay then. Let's talk."

After an hour of discussion and disagreements, we finally made up.

"It's just been a rough week, the constant work and coming home late at night or sometimes even not at all, it's been stressful." He said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, I get you. I've had those days too y'know? That doesn't mean though that I lash out on my loved ones. I get that when the work piles up, you cry out of frustration, but don't forget that you have me to talk to." I looked at him, his lips formed a soft smile.

"Alright, my love."


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I know I was gone for like a while but SCHOOL WORK IS SO STRESSFUL BRO

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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