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AU: Benny is a businessman, he had 2 children with his previous wife (they were divorced now and he was single). They both shared custody of their children, they spent one week with Benny, one week with their mother (Christina).
Frida worked in a daycare for children.

Summer, first day of holidays.

"Come on! We're gonna be late!" Benny hurried his children out of the house.

He hated mornings like this. Peter, 7, had overthrown his entire bowl of milk on the table. It took Benny half an hour to clean everything. Then his daughter, Helène, 5 years old, ran all around the house, refusing to put on some clothes. To top it all, yesterday, the nanny Benny hired called saying she was very sick and couldn't take care of the children.

So here he was, running an hour late, having to put his children in the car and drop them to the daycare. Yes, the daycare. The only good news was that the daycare could take his children for the time being.

"Daddy!!!" screamed Helène in her little pink car seat.

Benny looked at her in his rearview mirror.
"What baby girl?"

"Where going?" she said, looking at the window.

Benny smiled at her difficulty to build a right sentence.

"Well, your nanny's sick so you're going to daycare."

"What's daycare?" asked Peter, frowning slightly.

Benny pulled up in the parking just in front of the daycare.
"Here we are."

Once everyone was out of the car, Benny hurried the two kids toward the door. As he pulled the door open a wave of noise came over them. Both Peter and Helène looked up at the dad who looked around in search of an adult.

He felt something pulling at his leg.
"What the-"

"Oh you must be the new ones!!!" a sweet voice came from just behind him.

Benny turned around and looked up. A tall blonde was standing there, with a really young child on her left hip and two feeding bottles in her right hand. She looked really busy. Hair in every way and all.

"Oh, yes. I'm Benny Andersson." He said, extending his hand for the blonde to take.

"Hmm, a little taken here!" She replied, giggling. "But I'm Agnetha! I'm working here with my colleague but she isn't here yet." She sighed as a strand of hair fell right into her face.

"Thus all this." Benny gestured to all the mess around them with a small smile.

"You got it!" Agnetha laughed and put the feeding bottles she was holding on a table. "So, who am I taking care of today?" she asked, readjusting the child on her hip.

Benny placed a hand on the back of both his children and gave them a little push.

"I'm Peter..." the eldest one said, shyly.

"Heléne!!!" yelled the younger one, jumping from one foot to another.

"Well nice to meet you guys!"

Agnetha began to lead them to the playground when Benny stopped her.

"Hmm, I'm sorry but I'm pretty late..."

"Oh yes, no problem! What time will you pick them up?"

"Around 6.00 pm?"

"Okay, have a nice day!"

Benny waved to the three of them and made his way to his car.
'It's gonna be a long long day...'


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