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The rest of the week went by pretty quickly. Benny and Frida almost hung out every night, sharing chaste kisses all the time like teenagers. They spent one night at Frida's house exploring their blossoming relationship...

"Oh! Look who's all glowing this morning!" Agnetha said Friday morning.

"Anna... Don't even start." Frida replied but her huge smile gave her away.

She hung her coat on the coat rack and turned to Agnetha.

"Soooooo! What did you do last night?"

"Anna, I've already told you, everything that happens in Frida's house?"

"Stays in Frida's house." The blonde replied, rolling her eyes. "Fine, fine... Anyway, Peter and Heléne are already here!"

Agnetha watched as the smile on Frida's face faltered for a second.
"Awww look at your little puppy eyes! Haha you're so gone, girl!"

"Haha, very funny Faltskög!" Frida gave her a little slap on the head and made her way over to the kids.


She turned around.

"There's something I-" Agnetha began.

"Super Anni-frid!!! Look, I draw you!" Heléne called Frida.

"Nevermind." The blonde dismissed her with her hand.


"See you on Monday!" Agnetha waved to a young boy.

Frida was on the other side of the room playing with some kids when she heard Heléne's scream.


Frida turned her head toward the door so fast she feared whiplash. She felt a pang in her chest at the sight of Peter and Heléne's mother. Benny's ex wife. Not that she had forgotten about her. At all.

"Ohhhh..." Agnetha began and looked over at Frida. Frida stood up and made her way over to the woman.
"Hi, I'm Agnetha!" They slowly shook hands. "And this is-"

"This is Dad's lov-" Peter cut off but Agnetha feigned coughing. Really, really hard.

"Come here, kids, we'll take your bags..." Agnetha pushed them toward the coat rack.

The two women watched Agnetha and the kids go.

"Hmm, I'm Frida." The brunette broke the silence.

"Christina!" The women shook hands. "You must be the Super Anni-frid I've been told about?"

"It seems to be the only thing they've learnt..." Frida chuckled nervously.

"Well, anyway I wanted to thank you for taking care of the kids...Benny always finds himself in those kinds of situations..."

Frida had to fight the urge to defend Benny. Like it was his fault if the nanny had fallen ill. She opted for : "No problem, they're such lovely kids."

The children came striding toward their mother with their bags on their back.
"Ready to go mommy!"

"Alright! I guess Benny has already paid for the week?"

Frida frowned slightly.

"Hmm, yes, he did!" Agnetha said but she seemed pretty uncomfortable.

"Okay! Then let's go, you know what to say kids?"

"Thank you for everything!" The kids both said in unison.

Wait, but-

"Thank you both for the service provided!"

"Wait but we- you-"

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