Chapter 3

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Translated by Lara
Edited by Lara

Empress Isabelle's expression, who was smiling happily, hardened at my declaration.

Even Prince Luciano raised his head in surprise.

Everyone was in a flurry of panic.

In the distance, I could see my parents on the verge of fainting.

I could feel the cool atmosphere all over my body.

But I pretended not to know anything and smiled.

'There is nothing you can do to a child with no tact.'

"Well, may I know the cute lady's name?"

Empress Isabelle smiled, as if her expression hadn't been hardened before.

She looked so kind that it was terrifying. She was also not someone to be taken lightly.

"It's Aesvin Samuel. Count Benjamin Samuel is my father."

Empress Isabelle looked at my parents with a strange admiration.

Maybe the empress would have fired a warning look, 'Did you raise the child so immaturely like this?' to my parents.

I felt a little sorry to see my parents' faces turning pale after receiving attention.

"So you were Count Samuel's daughter. Nice to meet you, Aesvin. How old is Aesvin now?"

"It's an honor to meet you, too. I'm 8 years old this year."

Only Empress Isabelle's voice was very soft.

But the meaning behind it was probably, 'What you just chose is stupid and foolish.'

I smiled brightly as I felt Prince Luciano's sparkling eyes staring at me.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Empress Isabelle's brows gently frowned at my bright attitude.

She seemed to be looking at me with 'What is with this tactless thing?' kind of look.

Soon, she added a little more to her judgment, 'Is she ignorant because she's still young?'

"It's amazing to hear that because everyone else is quiet, but you say you'll be friends with the lonely Prince Luciano. Aesvin is very kind because you're still young."

Everyone else was quiet, so you better be quiet as well.

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Would the prince be lonely for nothing?

There was a reason for everything.

I could feel that intention from the words. So I shouted brightly.

"Yes! I'm kind."

Empress Isabelle hardened at my bright answer that seemed to have not understood a word.

I grinned even more, pretending not to notice my father's astonishment or Prince Luciano's unfriendly juvenile gaze.

They didn't seem to notice that we were children.

A child certainly didn't make perfectly calculating judgments like an adult..

However, they instinctively noticed whether the other person's reaction was positive or negative.

That's why other children stayed away from Prince Luciano according to the adults' decisions.

The children of aristocrat families were more clever. The method of grasping the mood of a person in higher status than oneself was basically installed from a young age.

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