Chapter 6

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"Yes, shall I send another letter?"

After exchanging correspondence all day today, the nanny came out saying that she would send a letter again automatically.

But this time, it wasn't that!

"I should drink a celebratory drink!"


"Nanny, come on and drink a glass of orange juice!"


My tenacity defeated Prince Luciano's stubbornness!

I beat the male protagonist!

I didn't know why he suddenly changed his mind after thinking about it for half a day, but I decided to enjoy happiness first.

Bewildered for a moment by my strange behavior, the nanny hurriedly went out and brought a glass of orange juice.

I drank the juice at once and boasted this joy.

"Finally, I got permission! I can go tomorrow!"

"Oh my, really? Congratulations!"

"It's the victory of my persistence!"

"I know. My lady is stubborn."

" ... Nanny, that's a compliment, right?"

"Of course. It's a compliment."

Looking at my nanny smiling benevolently, she seemed to have been praised sincerely.

'But why do I feel like this?'

The nanny asked a question before my thoughts deepened.

"You were rejected like that and eventually got permission. How did you persuade him?"

"I don't know."

I really didn't know. Because he was tired of my stubbornness?

' ... Isn't that a bad thing?'

"Lady, why does it matter? It's more important that you get permission."

"That's right! It's important that I got permission!"

This time the unpleasant thoughts disappeared again at the words of the nanny.

'Well, I must have received the main character's buff.'

As the nanny said, the fact that I received permission was the most important thing.

Finally, I decided to enjoy having contact with the male protagonist.


"Hello, Prince Luciano."

I smiled as broadly as possible this time.

Prince Luciano had a cold face that didn't seem very welcoming.

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I came with permission this time, so I smiled with confidence that I wouldn't be kicked out.

Prince Luciano, who had been watching today, opened his mouth.


"Please call me Aesvin comfortably, Prince."

I quickly informed him because he seemed awkward with my name.

Prince Luciano was looking at me as if seeing something mysterious, then asked.

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