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A few moments had passed before the smell around her started to disappear, opening her eyes the long-armed creature was gone. It's words echoing in her head, Hurry. The old women in the chair was gone and the webs of the spider were hung loosely along the ceiling. A strange feeling rose inside of her, a feeling she couldn't explain even if she wanted too. Hesitantly reaching out to where her leg was strapped onto the pulley system she was shocked to find it loose, easily getting her leg out. Grunting she tried getting out of bed but her leg felt funny after being in such a strange position for so long, although she was not sure how long she had been hospitalized for she knew it was more than a few weeks. Using her nightstand as a prop she slowly stood up before wobbling toward a wheelchair that was left in her room. She clumsily fell on top of it and struggled to catch her breathe, "that wasn't so bad..." She told herself.

Making her way to the door she peeked around the corners surprised to see no one was around, not even the receptionist at the desk. A hint of color caught her eye, causing her to look up. A gorgeous butterfly that seemed to glow was circling lazily above her. As soon as she saw it however it darted away down the corridor. Curious she rolled forward on her wheelchair trying to find the glow of the butterfly again. Going faster and faster till she saw the elevator, a faint shine could be seen from the cracks in the doors. Immediately she went towards the elevator and hit the button for it to open. When she did however a sudden growling noise came up from behind her, she froze. The strange noise was still far away but she could hear what sounded almost like claws tapping slowly approaching. Frantically she pushed the elevator button faster until it opened, quickly she hit the main floor and pushed the close door button over and over. Just as it started to close, she caught a glimpse of what had been making the noise. A long snake like being with long legs scuttled its way up the hospital walls, two black horns on either side of its head. Its mouth was a gaping hole full of sharp teeth, eyes blurry masses that stared into ones soul. The elevator quietly began its descend down to the main floor, so quite in fact it was relaxing compared to the chaos she’d been living through recently. Feeling the elevator getting closer to the main floor she started to worry, How will I explain why I’m out of bed to the nurses?

When the doors opened she cautiously exited, hoping she wouldn’t bump into anyone, or anything. Unlike the deserted floor she had just came from, the main floor was bustling with life. Patients and visitors alike walked all around, some sitting at tables eating and others in gift shops just browsing. The good thing about never getting visited is that no one will recognize that I’m not supposed to be down here. Sitting up straight in her wheelchair Luna rolled down the hallway, no one paid her any mind as they walked past which relaxed her. Only when she made it to the sitting area did a speck of light caught her eye, the butterfly that had caused her to get out of bed in the first place. It was fluttering in front of the doors leading out of the building, its wings illuminated the surrounding objects in the hospital. It was almost as if the butterfly was beckoning her with those wings, telling her to follow it some more. As much as she wanted to however a feeling that something was wrong started washing over her. A feeling of absolute dread, the longer she looked at the butterfly the worse she felt. Luna could feel her heart beating faster as she broke into a cold sweat and struggled to breathe. Air, I need air. She thought, wildly looking around. Bolting it for the exit she gasped for the air she desperately needed.

Now outside, her breathing slowed down to its normal pace once again and calmness overtook the panic she had felt moments before. Ever since the accident she hadn’t stepped foot outside and instead has been kept indoors for what felt like months. Rolling down the sidewalk Luna relished in the breeze that gently blew through her hair. Garbage littered the street and traffic sped loudly by, ahead of her was a young kid who held a bookbag in his arms. She smiled, wishing that she would be able to walk again soon. The first thing she would do is spoil her cat, take him out of the house to sit in the yard together. After that, well. She hadn’t thought that far ahead, maybe eat a real meal.
She and the kid both stopped at a crosswalk, he couldn’t have been any older then 8 and she wondered why he was wandering around by a hospital alone. Then again, what was she doing her? Technically she had just ran away from the hospital, even though she did plan on going back. Shaking her head back to reality the light now shown that it was safe to cross. The young boy had already started to cross the road while Luna had been lost in thought. Beginning to cross the street a motion caught her eye once again, turning her head to see a speeding car heading straight for the young boy.

“Look out!” she screamed, her wheelchair rushing against the bumpy road. Her hand reached out frantically grabbing the boy by the sweater and pushing him out of the way of the car. The wheelchair stuck on a small hole in the road, Luna went flying landing only inches from the boy who was on his back staring in shock as the car went flying past before screeching to a halt a few meters away. Luna's wheelchair lay broken where she had been moments before falling out of it, the wheels still spinning around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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