Chapter 2 The Arrival

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After months of pregnancy for Esperanza, the foal finally came. Esperanza started to cry in pain, all the horses came over to watch and see the new foal. Strider went down from his lead rock to see the new foal.... After 10 minutes of pain the foal arrived. All the horses of the Grassland herd, heard a little Winnie from the baby. The horses saw the foal. They saw it was a boy! Strider was so happy that him and Esperanza had a cute foal. Strider knew later the little foal was gonna become a strong stallion some day, and become the leader, that made Strider smile. After 5 minutes of struggling to stand up for the little foal, he finally stood up! The baby foal Esperanza named Spirit, began to run around and play with the other 2 herd foals.

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