Part 2

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In the early noon Blaine takes his break and goes to the cafeteria to eat.

With his food he sits down and watches the people walking around, coming and leaving.

A mid-aged man walked in and goes to the cafeteria counter, passing Blaine. "Hello Mr. Hummel. Coffee?" the waitress asks. "As always Meggy" the man answers.

It hits Blaine. Mr. Hummel. Most likely to be related to Kurt Hummel. This is his chance.

Blaine jumps up as the man passes him "Mr Hummel?". The man turns around "Yeah?". "Are you related to Kurt Hummel?" Blaine asks, seeing the man nod "I'm his father. Who asks?". "I'm Blaine Anderson, the new nurse" Blaine introduces himself and extends his had for Mr. Hummel to shake.

"Right. Lucas quit. It's nice to meet you Mr. Anderson"  Mr. Hummel says, shaking the young mans hand. Blaine laughs quietly "You can call me Blaine. We'll spend some time together and going by my first name makes me feel more comfortable".

"Well you can call me Burt then" the man says and takes a sip of his coffee. "Would you keep me company? I'd like to get to know your son better. Besides what I got to know from the file of course. After my break I'm going to him anyway so we could go together" Blaine proposes. Burt nods "That would work".

"So Blaine. What do you want to know about my son?" Burt asks, sipping his coffee. "I don't have any specific questions. Just tell me about hi life. College, high school, childhood or anything like that" the curly haired boy answers.

Burt takes a moment to think before he starts telling "Kurts mother died when he was 8. For a while it's been only me and him. Then I met a woman, Carol and she has a son, Finn but you'll meet them soon as well.

We married and are a family since then. That was around his second year of high school. In high school he got bullied a lot for being gay. He's out and proud but maybe it takes him longer to trust people.

That's why it's nice that you want to get to know him. You show true interest in get to know him. Kurt got through these though years with his best friend Rachel and since his third year of high school also his boyfriend Adam. You'll meet him too over the days.

Rachel and Kurt moved to New York to study at NYADA and there they met Justin, their best friend and roommate in New York. You'll probably get to know them too but they're still in New York and come over next week- or was it the week after? Anyway they come to Lima soon.

Kurt loves to perform and to sing. He was in the glee club of his high school too". "I know that. I saw in his file that he went to McKinley and it fits perfectly with his love to perform. I went to Dalton Academy and were a part of the Warblers.

My glee club used to compete against the glee club from McKinley" Blaine explains, seeing how Burt smiles "That's nice. But they beat you if I remember right". "Yes they did and I'm okay with it because they were really good" Blaine says and both man laugh.

Now that Blaines break is over, he and Burt head back to Kurts room. "I'll check up on your son fast and then I go back to the other patience and leave you two alone but I'm around if you need something" Blaine says, opening the door to the boys room.

For now Burt told him everything he needs to know about Kurt that tells a bit about what kind of person he is without taking to much away so that if Kurt wakes up he still has something to tell. If Blaine has more questions he knows that he can ask Burt or anyone else related to Kurt Hummel. Burt seems to be a nice guy and if the others are the same then Blaine will get along well with them.

Both man get in while Blaine checks on his patience vitals, planning when to shift him next and do the next muscle movement phase so he won't disturb father and son.

Burt sits down and tells his son about his day and the latest news. The young nurse doesn't listen closer since it's a private conversation. He just writes the vitals down, wishes Burt a wonderful day still and leaves to give the man some alone time with his son.

Over the week Blaine got to know everyone a little better.

Burt owns a tire shop but doesn't work there anymore because he took another carreer.

Finn Hudson, Kurts step-brother, is a nice guy that everyone likes. A kind soul who gets along with everyone. He's in college with the goal to become a teacher one day and from time to time if he has time and his help is needed he either helps their teacher in glee club or the employees in the tire shop.

Carol, Kurts step-mom, passed her kind soul to her son. Blaine and her can actually talk about their jobs because she works in a retirement house and takes care of the people there.

Burt also visited some more times and even Adam, Kurts boyfriend came.

Blaine gets along well with everyone in two weeks Kurt will get visitors from New York and Blaine will meet Kurts best friends Rachel Berry and Justin Hicks.

Blaine not only remembers Kurt From his high school time but also Rachel. She was really good. One of the reasons why the New Directions won against the Warblers in Blaines opinion.

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