Chapter Eleven

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The dress I'm wearing is in no way suited to the weather today.

The storm that went and passed at the weekend has now been replaced by another storm, only this time as well as rain, it's also brought along a bitterly cold wind.

But it's either this thick black knit dress with gathered sleeves, or a multicoloured pant suit. I unfortunately did not have the foresight to buy interview clothes earlier on in the week, something which I am very much regretting now. With the amount of time I spend browsing fashion websites, you'd think I would have a formal workwear outfit somewhere in my wardrobe, but alas I do not. I curse myself for not thinking ahead for such an eventuality.

Since I dyed my hair flame red last summer there's a lot of my wardrobe that clashes with it now. Dying my hair was meant to be an empowering move, a message to myself to become more fiery and stand up for myself. It was an impulsive decision just before I moved to London, because I knew it would be an opportunity to reinvent myself, and what better way to do that than with a new look.

In hindsight though, I can't say it's done much for me apart from making my outfit planning a headache.

I've called in sick at work and have taken full advantage of the day by prepping up on all my interview notes. I spent all of last night and the night before researching Magnus + Son, and preparing for potential interview questions.

I'm ready for this, and more importantly, I want this job.

After having taken the train into central London, I'm now navigating my way through the maze of streets. On all sides I'm surrounded by tall buildings and people rushing past in business suits, like ants going scuttling around on the forest floor each on their own little mission. Being here in the thick of it, I feel like I'm in a film and this is the moment I step out into the world and discover things for the first time.

Of course I've been to central London plenty of times, but never with the mindset that I could be one of these people in business suits rushing around. With my dull HR role located on the outskirts of central London, I've always felt like an outsider looking in whenever I've ventured into the city.

Magnus + Son headquarters is in a fifteen-storey building with four other companies housed in the same building, as the metallic name plaque by the entrance shows. The modern exterior is clad with cream-coloured masonry dotted with large black window frames, and the interior reception area has a similar sleek vibe going on. It feels professional but not ostentatious.

After being directed towards the Magnus + Son's reception area on the fifteenth floor, I sit on the white fabric sofa rehearsing my answers over in my head. I've memorised everything and at this point I'd give an actor learning their lines a run for their money.

I practically know everything there is to know about the Danish bakery chain Magnus + Son, and how they are opening their first UK store here in London this year, and that this must be their new London office.

There's no one else around, not even on the pristine reception desk that sits just to my right, so I stand up and start pacing to get rid of my nervous energy. From the looks of things they're not done decorating this place yet. The elevator opened straight into this sparse reception area with a wide corridor leading off to my left, and nearly every object I see looks unused with shrink wrap over it. There's also a distinctive smell of fresh paint and a faint din of construction work in the background somewhere.

But I take it as a good sign - new beginnings and a fresh start is just what I need.

"Marlisa Delaney? I'm Konrad Kristiansen, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm head of the London office at Magnus + Son."

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