Chapter 6 - Office

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The shower helped me sober up. Sasuke didn't end up joining me, but it was probably for the best. I needed some time to think. I had never been this lost in the moment. Why did everything have to go to shit? I'm not gay. Then again, I'm pretty sure that me being turned on by Sasuke meant that I was gay to a certain extent.

All I knew is that, if I thought too hard about it, all I wanted to do was to go back in time and meet Sasuke when we were both younger. I wished I could be there for him and be friends with him. I wanted him to be close to me and stay that way. I didn't know exactly what it meant. But I wanted to be there with him when he spied on his brother, or to help him up when he got injured. I knew this couldn't happen. I knew that the past was gone and all I could hold on to was what he told me.

This was an impossible situation. I couldn't be with Sasuke anyway. I was hired to do a job and in a couple of days, I would be gone. I'd probably never see him again. This wasn't supposed to be a sappy romance movie or a love song. This was reality and reality sucked.

I heard Sasuke come into the room. He walked in and stopped a few feet away from the shower. He had put his boxers back on.

-Are you alright? You've been in here for a while.

-Yes, everything's fine, I said as I turned off the water.

He handed me a towel and I took it with a smile. I dried off as he left to go back to the bedroom. I laid down on the bed next to him. He turned off the lights and cuddled up to me. I didn't know what to do, but I wanted to cuddle him, so I did. I fell asleep into his warm embrace.

When I woke up, Sasuke was already out of bed. It was around 8 am, and I was cold. I was about to go back to sleep until I smelled something burning. I quickly got up, only in my underwear and followed the scent. It lead me to the kitchen. Sasuke was there burning what seemed to be eggs.

-Sasuke, what are you doing? I asked.

-Breakfast? He replied with a sheepish smile, which was, again, nothing like him.

-I think you mean you're burning breakfast, I said shaking my head.

I pulled him away from the stove and reduced the heat of the pan. I pulled out a plate and put the burned eggs on it to cool down. (Now I feel like eating eggs at 1:27 am good job me).

I made him sit down on a stool and he watched me silently as I cooked the eggs without burning them. I pulled out another two plates and put the eggs on both. I grabbed some bacon from the fridge as well as some tomatoes. While the bacon was cooking, I sliced up the tomatoes. I put some bread in the toaster. As I waited for everything to be ready, I took the old plate of brunt eggs and threw them in the garbage. I put away the plate in the sink.

-I now know why you never cook, I turned around and told Sasuke.

-Yea, yea. I get it, I'm like really bad.

-Why did you try to make eggs in the first place? I asked.

He looked around looking embarrassed.

-I wanted to be nice. He said.

My heart kind of melted at that. It was a really cute thought.

-That's really sweet of you, but next time try to do something nice without bruning down the condo.

-Sure, he said smiling.

I was getting used to his smiles, but they were still bringing butterflies to my stomach. I reached out to his hand that was resting on the counter and held it for a minute until I jumped from the toaster.

I quickly buttered the toast and turned off the stove. I put the sliced tomatoes and bacon next to the eggs on the plate and served it to Sasuke. I sat down next to him on a stool and started eating my food. He mumbled a small 'thanks' before starting to eat the tomatoes first.

After that, he said he had a couple of things to do at his office and actually asked me if I wanted to come with. Having never been there, I accepted. I still brought a book with me to make sure I had something to do.

We both got dressed and hopped in his Porsche to get there. We arrived after about thirty minutes. The lobby was huge with a reception and even a waiting area with couches. The building was ten stories high.

He took me by the arm and lead me to the elevator. I had a grey suit on with matching trousers, but I hadn't bothered with a tie. Sasuke was wearing a black suit with a matching tie and trousers.

The elevator brought us to the 9th floor and he pulled me behind him by the hand. He intertwined our fingers quickly and I didn't bother to pull back. He walked by his secretary and she said hi to us. Sasuke didn't answer but I waved at her with my available hand. She raised an eyebrow at our entwined hands, but didn't say anything.

Sasuke opened his office door and closed it behind me. His office had an entire wall of windows pointing to the outside world. He had a couch with a coffee table and a couple bookshelves with books he probably never read. His actual desk was a dark brown colour and made of wood. He had a big pile of files stacked on it and a frame with a picture of his family with his brother and parents. He looked to be about 8 on it.

He sat down on his expensive and very comfortable looking office chair and let me sit down on the couch. I pulled out my book and started reading it. It went like that for maybe three hours. The only audible noises being me flipping the pages and Sasuke writing and going through his files.

I was starting to get bored with my not so thrilling book and I needed attention. Sasuke was right there close to me, yet I felt so ignored. I stared at him for a while.

-Would you stop staring? He asked without looking over.

I felt like whining like a kid, but I couldn't really do that. I couldn't let Sasuke know I wanted his attention. I went back to my book and forgot what the page was about, so I had to start all over again.

I felt Sasuke stare at me, but I didn't say anything. It distracted me enough that I couldn't focus on my book though.

-Would you stop staring? I said with a smirk.

Sasuke put down his file and turned his chair in my direction.

-Naruto, come here, he asked.

I obediently put down my book and got up from my position on the couch. When I was next to him he patted his desk in front of him, so I sat down on the spot. Before I even had the time to question what he wanted, he kissed me. I responded to it on reflex. My hands flew to his hair while his were on my waist. He rolled his chair closer to the desk. I spread my legs on either side of his thighs. He pulled me on him in his chair. He pushed my jacket off and I loosened his black tie.

I started to get lost again as he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in and his tongue explored my mouth. He started pulling on my trousers and I jumped and squeaked as his office phone started ringing. He ignored it and kept on kissing me until I pushed him back. He groaned, but he finally picked up.

The call only lasted a couple of seconds. When he hung up, he tightened his tie around his neck and handed me my jacket back.

-Itachi's on his way. You should probably go back on the couch, he told me softly.

He kissed my forehead and pulled back to let me leave. I tried straightening my clothes and sat on the couch and took my book. I flipped to the page I was before getting up and pretended to be reading. Not a second later, Itachi barged in. I sighed in relief. It would've been awkward if he had stumbled in on us.

-What do you want? Sasuke asked his brother, grumpy.

-You're even more uptight than usual! His brother teased.

-Just tell me what you need, we'll be leaving soon, he announced.

Itachi turned to me and smirked.

-What do we got here? Hello, Naruto.

He waved at me and I waved back. Itachi asked for some files and Sasuke gave him all the files he had on his desk that were completed. Itachi thanked him and left. So, Sasuke picked up his stuff and dragged me out the office and out the building.

We sat down in the car and he gave me a quick peck on the lips that I didn't have time to react to, before he started the car and headed back home.

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