Chapter 7 - Asked Out

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At this point I was so confused about what I wanted that nothing made sense. I didn't know if I hated the way he said my name or if I actually liked it.

-Naruto? He asked.


-Do you want to go out tonight? He asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

-Go out where? I asked not taking the hint.

-There's a new restaurant that opened nearby. I wanted to try it out, he said innocently.

-Sure, I replied.

We got home and it was noon. Sasuke wanted to order in, but with the fact we were going out later, I didn't feel like ordering. So, I checked what we had in the fridge and in the pantry. We had exactly what we needed to make ramen! So I got to it.

I chopped some green onion and minced some ginger. I pourred some water in a pan and put it on the stove. When it boiled, I added the noodles. On the side, I prepared the broth. I put soy sauce, some dried peppers with beef stock and diluded it with some water. I also found some beef cubes that I cut in even smaller portions. I added the beef on another pan to cook it.

Once everything was ready, I put them all together and called Sasuke over. I heard him close the door to his study and come downstairs with me.

He didn't seem too pleased about my choice of food, but he didn't voice his complains. He ate without talking and I didn't say anything either. We were comfortable in our silence.

-When are we going to the restaurant? I asked.

-Around 5. He mentioned.

He quickly left after that to go back to whatever he was doing, and I cleaned up the kitchen and dining area.

I went into the living room and pulled up a documentary on lions. I proceeded to zone out and barely listen to it.

An hour later, the documentary was over and I was left with nothing to do. I pulled out my phone and checked the battery purcentage. It was almost fully charged, so I went on YouTube and ended up wasting two hours without realizing it.

Once I got bored of shorts and the most random videos I could find, I went on tiktok and also wasted an hour there. When I checked the time on my phone, I noticed I had an hour left to get ready and that my phone was almost dead.

So, I ran upstairs to the bedroom. I blugged my phone and put it down on my nightstand. I walked into my closet and found some black jeans and a dark blue dress shirt. I took some underwear and plain white socks. I walked into the bathroom and set everything on the counter. I slipped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower.

I took my time getting clean, I still had a little over 50 minutes left. Time flew by and I heard Sasuke walk in.

-Are you almost done? I want to take a shower too, he asked.

-Sure, just give me a minute.

He left and I rinsed the conditionner from my hair. I turned off the water and took a towel from the cabinet. I dried off as fast as I could and put on the clothes that I had chosen. I put the towel on a drying rack and made my exit.

Sasuke was laying on the bed with his legs dangling off and arms spread out. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. His shirt was nowhere to be seen. I could see his strong muscular chest and his slight abs. I stayed there observing him for a while.

-You have a tendency of staring, don't you? He asked with a smirk.

I turned red and shook my head, but realized he still hadn't opened his eyes.

-No, I denied.

-Right, he replied skeptical.

-I really don't.

-But, you really do, he chuckled.

-When do I ever stare?

-Right now, at my office, in the agency, when we were drinking, and if it's not staring its the quick glances.

I turned even more red and tried to leave as quickly as I could from the room.

-Anyway, the shower's all yours, I said as I grabbed my phone and left.

I heard him laugh through the door. Stupid teme. I heard the shower start running and went in the living room. I found a random show that I could watch for the remaining twenty minutes.

At some point in the show, the shower stopped running. Sasuke showed up two minutes later with damp hair and a red wine dress shirt with black trousers. He sat down next to me and casually put his arm around my shoulders.

-What are we watching? He asked.

-I don't know, I just clicked on whatever.

He nodded and turned to the tv. His hand slowly went into my hair and I turned to him a little. He had a growing smirk on his face and I looked away. He started playing with the hair on my nape and I looked at him again. This time, he had a full blown smirk. I wanted to wipe it off his face. I looked at the tv again. I couldn't help but to steal glances every few seconds, until I turned to face him and his lips brushed mine.

I should've pulled away from shock, but I didn't. My body reacted on its own. I didn't really kiss back, because he pulled away quickly. He was laughing really loudly at me and it just made my face grow warm.

-What was that? I asked.

-Awn, come in, it was barely a kiss. He defended still chuckling.

-You definitively kissed me, I argued.

-No, I can show you what a real kiss is.

-I dare you to, I replied before really understanding what was happening.

He looked at me seriously for a small moment before leaning in quickly. This time, when his lips touched mine, I responded to it. I put as much pressure into it as he did. His hands went in my hair while mine went on his chest. This kiss was firm and gentle. Very gentle. Until it wasn't.

Sasuke pulled me to him and laid me down on the couch, him on top of me. He took my legs and pulled them apart slightly so he could be in between them.

I hadn't expected a simple kiss to turn out like this, but I wasn't against it. His tongue brushed inside my mouth and I started feeling hazy again. I knew I needed to control myself, but when it came to Sasuke, I just couldn't. Wouldn't? Won't.

He tugged on my shirt and lifted it up a little so that he could slip his hand underneath. He rubbed himself against me and I moaned into our current kiss. I felt so sensitive and turned on. Sasuke's hand started playing with my nipples and my back slightly arched off the couch. He let go of my mouth and trailed hot kisses down my neck.

-Sa-suke, I whined.

He grinned against my skin. He sucked on a spot and I moaned again.

-You're such a tease, I mumbled.

He pulled back from my neck and smiled brightly at me.

-How about we continue this after dinner? He proposed.

I rose from the couch to continue kissing him, but he just pulled back even more.

-Why do you always turn me on to keep me hanging? I asked annoyed.

-Because it is so fun to rile you up, he answered chuckling.

His laugh made me want to join in too, but I didn't. I was supposed to be annoyed at him.

-Fine, I groaned.

He got up and straightened his outfit as I did the same with mine. He took my hand and lead me out the apartment and into the underground garage to his Porsche. I got in and he drove us to the restaurant.

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