LCpl. Mark "Dingo" Irwin

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"Fuck it, we ball, mate."

Name: Irwin, Mark Steven

Nicknames: Dingo, The Australian Anarchist (Name given by Hanoi Hannah)

DOB: 10/5/1952 (Age 19 in 1971)

Hometown: Melbourne, Australia

Rank: Lance Corporal

Affiliation: 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, recruited to Foxhound's Squad

Likes: Blowing shit up, Napalm, His Squad mates and friends

Dislikes: Incompetent commanders, Dumb rules, Stealth (if he doesn't have to)

Backstory: Dingo was never a stickler for the rules. He was reprimanded and sent to the brig more times than any of the members could count, mostly for knocking C.O.'s out for suicidal orders and forcing them on his squad. He would've been locked up for the rest of the war had Foxhound not intervened and chose him for the squad

Dingo is a specialist in blowing shit up, something he demonstrated on a VC base near Hue City in '69 and a few other bases in the Ho Chi Minh Trail and near the borders of Laos and Cambodia, and also near the DMZ

Because of his explosive tendencies, Hanoi Hannah gave her the nickname of "The Australian Anarchist" while also mentioning his many run-ins with the MPs for his actions against any authoritarian figure in his squad.

Lucky for Foxhound, he took a liking to his methods and actions and was recruited to the squad as the demolition expert and resident pyromaniac, bringing along the gear that made him a menace towards the Vietcong

Weapons: L1A1 Rifle, Browning Hi-Power, M79 Grenade Launcher, M72 LAW Rocket Launcher, C4 Plastic Explosives, and a shitload of M64 Grenades

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