chapter one

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*when writing is like : this . It means they are speaking in Trigedasleng (Grouder Language)


Hey, Im Elizabeth Johnson most people call me Ellie or EJ. Im 17 and I live where most people desire to be, the ground. Most people believe earth in unsurvivable but I was born here. Im what my people call a Nightblood. My mother died giving birth to me and my father killed himself. I have been raised by Lincoln since what happened. Me and him are currently outside of a drop ship. You can tell that they have no idea we are here because they are just exploring and are screaming. Lincoln has had his eyes on a brunette girl with fair skin, but my opinion the boy next to her is better. He had some sort of uniform on, freckles and dark brunette hair, If Lincoln realized I was staring at this boy he would probably kill him but he's still fixated on that girl. But god the things I'd let him- "E run" I'm quickly ripped out of my thoughts by Lincoln's arm dragging me away from the sky people's drop ship. I run as fast as I can away from whatever scared Lincoln. Not too long after we reach our cave and we are both out of breath, Lincoln walks over to me and makes sure that when he was dragging me that he didn't cause damage to me because next to Lincoln or anybody in general I look at least 12 years old. "Lincoln i'm fine" he lets out a sigh of what i'm guessing is relief and smiles at me and I remember that he smiled at me like that when he first took me in...

Flashback to young ELIZABETH

A very large man comes up to me after the commander comes to give me the rest of my fathers things. The man was Light skinned and bald, I remember him talking to my father before. I think his name is Luke or Luka or something along the lines of that.. "Im Lincoln, I'll be taking care of you for your daddy". Daddy? How old does he think I am? I haven't called him "daddy" in years...

"Dad not daddy Im eight not four." EJ

"I like your attitude Elizabeth. What do you want me to call you?" Lincoln

"Mommy called me Ellie but Dad called me EJ." EJ

"How about E" Lincoln

"I like that." EJ

I remember that my dad told me that EJ sounded like a warrior's name and that Elizabeth sounded like some princesses name. I remember that from then on I was my fathers little warrior.


I noticed that by the time I was snapped out of my thoughts that Lincoln had left to see the commander without me and while I was distracted he probably said to stay put til he got back. I let my thoughts wander to that guy again. He looked very much like a guard of some sort in that uniform he was wearing but the way he was acting reminded me of what kind of guys Lincoln told me to stay clear of.

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