chapter four

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I remember a few months after Lincoln took me training for the first time I ran off into the woods after the acid fog cleared I saw an entire village either dead or groaning in pain. I remember being so traumatized after seeing them like that, Lincoln said it was so bad that I wouldn't talk to him for weeks yet I would cling to his side like my life depended on it. I don't really remember much of that day after seeing that village practically destroyed of trauma but I have walked past it since then and I can still hear the males groaning in pain, the women moaning in pain, the children's cries for their families I can feel the traumatizing state I was in while seeing it. I can feel the sadness in the area.

* Three months later *

Camp Jaha. That is where Lincoln has us staying due to his bounty. Ive learned that Octavia is the only person that gets me because our pasts are kinda similar. Me and Bellamy slept together last night and now im watching him and Lincoln spar while training guards. I look away for 10 seconds and when I look back I see the most horrifying thing. Lincoln in a sky people guards jacket. If looks could kill him and Bellamy both would be dead.

"Hey E " Lincoln

"Take it off Lincoln these aren't good people" EJ

"This is our home now stop it " Lincoln

"What your too good to speak native?" EJ

"Get yourself together Lincoln before these people and that jacket ruin you and me both" EJ

Before he could respond I walked to Bellamy and and said with my broken english

" I let it slide that you tortured Lincoln but giving him a guard jacket!!" EJ

" EJ wai -- " Lincoln

Bellamy tries to take my hand

" Dont touch me. Whatever happens to him is on you. If I loose him its on you Bellamy. "

Bellamy looks at me with pleading eyes for a second before his cold poker face shadows over his guilt from upsetting me. Before walking away I muttered loud enough for just him to hear..

" Never speak to me again "

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