chapter two

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It's been a few days and Lincoln comes back with the girl he was practically drooling over.

"Who's this" EJ

Lincoln gave me the "we will talk later" look. I start to realize that she might know that boys name. Ill ask her when Lincoln is in his hovering dad moment. Hovering is what Lincoln does best, he is very muscular so he scares them off. I hate hovering Lincoln, let's be honest everyone hates a hovering dad. My head starts to roam around until Lincoln steps out and doesn't come back means he wants alone time. Nows the time to ask mystery girl what mystery boy's name is. Before I get a chance Lincoln comes back and

"Elizabeth don't you even think about it." Lincoln

"Ouch full name." EJ

Lincoln thinks hes like my protector because most night bloods are entered into a conclave where you fight and the winner of the conclave will become commander or as we call it heda. Our current heda is Anya, her second is Lexa. If anything happens to them guards well come and get me for the conclave. Lexa and Lincoln said they'll do everything to keep me away from it. I went to sleep and as I started to doze off I see Lincoln walk outside.


I woke up not in the spot I fell asleep in and I'm in the same hiding spot I usually hide in when the commander comes to see Lincoln, under the floor board underneath my bed. I hop out and the girl was gone and so was Lincoln. There was blood on the floor and Lincolns book was gone.


I ran as fast as my legs could take me sprinting towards the drop ship. I was close enough to hear what they were saying.

"I don't think he even speaks English".

"Ill get him to speak."

That girl sounded like the one Lincoln saved. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Lincoln screaming in pain, they must be torturing him or something. Shocking news for them he isn't going to slip up. Like I said anything to protect me, and a little torturing won't keep him from protecting me.

"Bell stop" Followed by a manly scream

I wait til everyone but the girl he saved left to walk in. She immediately started to help untie Lincoln. He hugged me and then


I look at him funny because he's always the one to say that if someone shows violent behavior you never speak or give them the satisfactory that torturing you is what will make you talk.

"My name is Lincoln"


I start to tug on his arm signaling that I wanted to leave and I was uncomfortable. Octavia helps us get out. When were successfully in the woods I see a blonde girl and the boy I thought was cute.

"Bellamy wait"

So that's his name. The freckled boy I found extremely attractive was named Bellamy and nicknamed Bell by Octavia. It doesn't matter anymore because whatever I felt for the boy was gone, to me he was a terrible person for hurting Lincoln and as for Octavia I think she's a horrible person as well because if she would've told Bellamy that Lincoln didn't hurt her this all would've been fine and he wouldn't be hurt.

By the time I snapped into reality I was on my bed in mine and Lincolns cave and Lincoln was gone. As I slowly fall asleep the last thought I remember think before I fell asleep was how much I hated Bellamy and Octavia for hurting the man who protected me for almost 10 years.

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