Lightbulb Fictive Questionair

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Q: what is your favourite colour?
A: Any colour but if she had to pick Lavender
Q: what do you do daily
A: Sit in the headspace
Q: what does the headspace look like?
A: big house, with woods around it and the soda machine lab! Different stories for how many people. They each have a new room. Basie's on their source, what they do, and what their personally is. And there's a kitchen and washing machine. Lightbulbs room has a desk and a light and a bed. Fronting room is a big old hangout place. There beanbags, mattress, and there's a desks and a chair. And way to know who is fronting. And there's a hand load to let you know who is fronting.
Q: how many alters are there?
A: there's a list and there is 17 alters, but I need to remove some, so now there is 13 alters!
Q: what are you hobbies
A: playing Instruments, actives, binge watching and sleeping!

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