Paper Irl Questionair

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Q: Hows it like being an Paper Irl?
A: Sometimes its nerveracking at times, and sometimes reliving because I dont have to fear water. Sometimes its just i dont know, i dont really knows, its kind of like. Sometime its scary, cus y'know people they bring up trauma, so its like thats great. I need to deal with the fact that I killed...people..before
Q: So how does water feel?
A: Its kind of weird, i dont really know how to explain it. Its just water, I cant really speak of things like that. Its just something that people just do.
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: #7C6C77
Q: Who is your favorite contestant?
A: Um I'd say to say I think Suitcase is interesting and I do hope she wins! She just is cool and she deserves so win after everything thing shes been though with Nickel and stuff.
Q: What would you do with the millions dollars if you won it?
A: Well um, probably would of shared it with OJ and do what he wanted with it so I dont think the outcome would be every different.
Q: What do you do daily?
A: Um, sleep

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