Paintbrush Questionair

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Q: How is it like being a Paintbrush irl?
A: Its nice, seeing sourcemates and stuff are cool. And source memories can be neat aswell
Q: What is something you can do now but not as your object?
A: Not sure, cut my hair? Still cant cut my hair tho (parents TnT)
Q: Your favorite color?
A: I like the color red!
Q: Who is your favourite contestant besides Fan, Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Test Tube, Trophy and Balloon?
A: As for my favorite contestant, Hmmmm probably Marsh. They were very cool!!!
Q: What would you do if you won the million dollars?
A: If I won the million? I honestly dont know. Buy a pride flag /hj
Maybe give some to everyone TwT

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