Chapter 14

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"OH SARAHHHHHH." I heard Aaron sing, waking up from the peaceful slumber I had entered on the plane.

"What exactly is it that I can help you with?" I grumpily answered him, sitting upright.

"We are about to land. I thought you would rather wake up to my beautiful singing voice than Zak's deep annoying one."

"I happen to like his voice, thank you. If your singing voice wasn't so flat it might be half enjoyable."

"Alright, children. Don't make me separate you two." I heard Nick say from the seats behind us as Zak was chuckling on the other side of me.

I unfortunately always got shoved in the middle seat due to me being smaller than all of the guys, which usually ends with me sandwiched between Zak and Aaron. The excitement within me was growing more and more impatient as I just wanted to be there already. It has always been a dream of mine to visit the Magnolia Plantation, and I was finally getting to go! I started getting fidgety in my seat, playing with my fingernails and pulling at my shirt as I was anxiously waiting to be able to exit the plane. I felt Zak's hand slowly intertwine with mine, calming my nerves.

Finally, we exited the plane and began walking to the van with all of our bags and equipment. Zak of course decided to be the one to drive, me being on the passenger side next to him. The drive to the plantation was quiet, nervousness filling the van along with excitement.

"Ya know, I talked to the voodoo priest this morning. He wanted to meet us at 7 pm before the investigation started. Apparently he is the nephew of the groundskeeper." Aaron spoke up and said breaking the silence.

"Oh that'll be good. We need to really admire the history that lays there. Slaves were used and abused, even killed there. Legend has it that the voodoo priestess was a slave that poisoned the children of the family that owned the property, causing her to be hung in the tree in the front yard. They say on the day of her execution, you can see her body hanging from that tree. I even have a photo of her spirit that was caught by the owners." I said as I pulled a picture out of my bag that clearly showed the spirit of the slave girl that died on the property.

"Dude, that's super cool! Some class A evidence there!"

Aaron snatched the picture out of my hands, examining it more closely as we pulled up into the drive way. The property was absolutely stunning. There was a beautiful white magnolia tree in full bloom right in front of the porch. I was in awe watching the white leaves fall like snow off of the branches. I got out of the van and began walking towards the tree, drawn to his beauty. I reached for the falling leaves when I heard her speak to me.

I didn't mean to do it.

"You didn't mean to do what?" I whispered, trying not to draw the attention of the guys.

I didn't kill them on purpose. They were poisoned by someone else. I tried to save them.

"Who poisoned them then?"

Their father.

"Why on earth would their father poison them?"

He got me pregnant and wanted me dead.

"Hey, Sarah! You coming?" I heard Aaron call after me.

I turned away from the tree and ran towards where the guys were waiting for me.

"Sorry, I got caught in how beautiful that tree is." I said with a smile on my face.

"I know you heard her too." Zak whispered in my ear.

"Too?" I asked him.

I got a small nod from Zak, which was his way of letting me know that he heard the conversation I was having with the spirit. Him also being sensitive to the spirit world really took a weight off of my shoulders. I didn't feel quite as crazy because he would reassure me that what I was hearing was true, and that I didn't have to hide it around him.

"Hi! You must be Zak!" An older woman with short brown hair said as she came out of a side room to greet us, but instead went straight for Zak.

"That I am. I talked to you on the phone yesterday about investigating here tonight." Zak replied, shaking her hand.

"Yes! My husband and I are thrilled to have you here! We both have had quite a few experiences, especially with the children."

"The children?" Aaron questioned.

Just as soon as he said that, I turned around as I heard a soft giggle coming from the foyer. I walked away from the rest of the group, following the giggles I was hearing. As I walked into what could only be the living room, I saw a beautiful little blonde hair blue eyed girl sitting on the sofa staring at me.

"Hi sweetheart." I whispered to her as I stepped closer.

Play with me?

I grabbed a bouncy ball that was sitting on the floor next to the doorway and rolled it to her. She smiled as she softly kicked it back towards me.

"Are you scared? What's your name?" I asked her.

My names Ophelia. What's yours?

"I'm Sarah. My friends and I are here to help you and to communicate with you."

Can they see me too?

"No, only I can. You have no reason to be afraid of them. See the big tall one with tattoos? He is like me. He can hear you and talk to you too, he just can't see you like I can."

Just as soon as I said this, Zak walked into the room, witnessing the ball rolling back towards me. He gasped, and looked down at me with a smile.

"Her name is Ophelia. She's terrified, I could see it in her face. She asked me to play with her, so we were tossing this ball back and forth." I said to him as I turned away from the little girl and looked at him.

When I turned back around Ophelia was gone, but I could still feel her presence around me. But in the back of my mind I felt a presence I didn't like. A man, strong willed and kind of an asshole. It was his way or the highway, and he would move anyone that was in his way. Zak must have seen how I was feeling because he soon wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"You okay?" He softly asked me.

"I'm not sure. There is a man that is here and I don't like him. He's mean, and if it isn't his way he will do whatever it takes to get that person out of the way. We need to be careful with him." I said to him, worry striking my face.

"I say its time we talk to the owners about the history of this place."

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