Chapter 20

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It had been several months since the wedding, Zak and I had the grand opening for the museum, and we were currently headed to our next filming location. We were actually called to a family friends home that they believed was haunted, instead of the typical famous hauntings we always investigated. I was standing outside of the van gathering equipment when Aaron walked up next to me.

"Hey, you doing okay? You look awfully pale." Aaron whispered to me so no one else could hear.

"Yeah, I think I got food poisoning from that Chinese restaurant the other day." I replied to him, taking a drink of my water.

"Well let me carry the heavy stuff at least so you don't vomit all over it."

I rolled my eyes at him as he grabbed all of the equipment and began walking into the house. When I entered, I felt the most loving and caring spirit surround itself around me. To the point it even made me smile to myself, and Zak was smiling at me because he noticed that the spirit was making me happy.

"Is this a good sign for tonight?" Zak whispered in my ear as he kissed my temple.

"I would say so. They are so bright, and loving." I answered him, the smile still on my face.

We must protect her and what she has.

I heard a female voice begin talking in a protective manner over someone. I immediately turned my attention the owners of the house.

"Is someone in your home in possession of something of importance? I keep getting a woman's voice repeating that they must protect her and what she has." I asked them.

"Not that we are aware of. We just bought this home a month or so ago, noticed all of the activity and called you guys." The husband spoke up and answered me.

I kept thinking to myself, trying to figure out what they were talking about when I heard Nick call me over to him.

"Sarah, you may want to hear this." Nick said to me as he handed me the headphones to the computer where he was recording live EVP's.

"Baby." I heard the voice come across clear as day and say.

"Baby?" Zak questioned as he stood next to me, his eyes wide.

"Is there or was there someone in this home that was pregnant? Or even had a small infant that passed?" I asked out loud, aiming it mostly towards the owners.

"No, my wife and I have grown children that moved out years ago, and the previous owners of the house all had children that were grown as well." The husband once again spoke up and said.

Sarah, it's you.

I heard the female voice say once again in my head.

"Me? What about me?" I asked out loud addressing the spirit that was speaking to me.

You are the one pregnant.

I was utterly shocked by what was being told to me, and immediately ran outside to vomit. As I got down the porch steps, I leaned over in the bushes and started dry heaving. Considering I hadn't ate in a few hours, there wasn't anything for me to physically throw up. I heard footsteps behind me as Zak ran to my side and held my hair back out of my face.

"Sarah, what did you hear?" He softly asked me, rubbing my back.

"She said that I am the one pregnant." I answered him, tears welling in my eyes.

"Okay, but why are you sad about it?"

"If it is true, I know you weren't wanting a child just yet. I will be making your life more difficult."

"Sarah, you are my WIFE. Nothing you do could make my life difficult in any way. Besides, we wanted this together, and it is after the wedding. Plus, we aren't one hundred percent sure that it is true, you haven't taken a test or seen a doctor yet."

Tears welled in my eyes, causing Zak to pull me closer into a tight hug. I buried my face in his chest and let out soft sobs. As I was crying, I felt a warmth around me that wasn't Zak's. I pulled away slightly to see an older woman standing next to me with her hand on my shoulder. Her smile looked much like my own, her eyes the same bright blue as mine as well. I looked back at her with confusion, trying to figure out who she was.

I have been with you your whole life. I died before you were born, but I made a promise to always protect you.

The woman lifted her hand to my face, cupping it gently. I smiled back at her, feeling the protection around me.

"Who are you?" I softly asked her.

Your grandmother, my dear.

My mom had always told me wonderful stories about my grandparents, because they died the same year I was born in a terrible car accident. A drunk driver hit them head on, killing the both instantly. My mother always told me I was the spitting image of my grandmother, but I had never seen a picture of her before, and here she was standing before me.

"Is it true? Am I pregnant?" I asked her, tears welling in my eyes once more, her hand moving from my face to my stomach.

Yes. This home is our old home, the voice you heard earlier was mine and your grandfathers.

"Why are you just now coming to me? All these years you never showed up, but all of a sudden you are now."

You have never been to our home before. We are trapped here and cannot leave.

"Who do you see, Sarah?" I heard Zak softly ask me as he placed a hand on the small of my back.

"My grandparents." I replied softly.

As I replied to him, my grandma had disappeared, and I no longer felt her presence. I slowly went back inside to talk to the homeowners and explain to them about the activity.

"The activity is not malevolent. They are peaceful, and only want to still be a part of their home. They died in a car crash 33 years ago, and are very peaceful spirits. You do not have to be afraid of them." I explained to them, watching the happiness fill their faces at the knowledge they do not have to be afraid.

"Thank you so much. We cannot thank you enough." The wife said to me as she pulled me into a soft hug.

Zak held my hand as we walked back to the van to head back to the airport to go home. Small world coming across my grandparents home. I never thought that I would ever come across them again, my mother had barely even spoke their names as I was growing up, and I had no idea where they actually lived. Zak softly squeezed my hand, making sure I felt comforted after my first meeting with my grandparents. I guess the first thing I was doing when I got home was taking a pregnancy test.

Still Here (Zak Bagans fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz