"I Love You Ant, I always have."

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Maddy Pov:

"I love you Ant... thank you for saving me, did Finn make it out?" I asked,

"We don't know, we're still searching, Fontaine is absolutely desperate although she won't admit it to anyone." Ant replied, a smile stretching across his face as he caressed my cheek,

"I'm sure we'll find him, he can't have go-"

"Yo? Maddy? What happened to the Dark Orca?" Finn called out as he swam around a rocky outcrop,

"The engine room exploded. With dad inside. Where were you, Finn?" I asked drily,

"I was with Sasha, I was buying some jewelry off her and also maybe stole some... she has a stall at the floating black market." Finn replied,

"FINN!" Fontaine shrieked, rushing over to him in the Mimic knight,

"Woah there Princess of the sea, how's it going?"

"Finn, I was so worried."

"That's ok, Angel face."

"Now come with me, I found something I want to show you." Fontaine said dragging finn to the Arronax.

"Well, uh, should we, maybe, go to your new bedroom?" Ant asked me,

"My new bedroom?" I asked confused,

"Well since the Dark Orca is, you know, destroyed and like a semi-sunk wreck, you will need a new bedroom, won't you?"

"Well... yeah I suppose..." I trailed off hesitantly,

"Come on then!"

Ant led me through the maze of corridors and rooms, as we passed a room with a fish tank in it, I stopped to say hello to a fish.

"What are you doing in my room?" Ant's voice made me jump,

"Oh! Sorry, I just stopped to say hello to-"

"Jeffery! There you are buddy, meet Maddy, she'll be staying in the room next to us. Isn't that cool?"

Jeffery grinned and did a barrel roll, 

"Oh yeah, I should show her, good idea Jeffery! Follow me Maddy!"

I watched in astonishment as Ant opened a small almost invisible hatch in the floor,

"You coming or not?" Ant said poking his head out,

"I'm coming." I said snapping out of my trance,

"I made these tunnels about four years ago to steal cookies from the kitchen, Your room is this way." Ant said, indicating a hatch in the ceiling. "I will show you the rest of the tunnels another time, but for now let's get you settled, your new room is right next to mine so if you need me you don't have to go far."

Two hours later 

I sighed as I lay back on my bed that didn't have any rusty springs digging into my back and the last thought I had before I blacked out was, I'm keeping this bed it's so comfy...

(Enter dream world)

We were at it again, robbing treasure ships, all I could see was a blinding explosion and feel the searing heat scorch my body almost tearing itself apart from the physical strain of just not breaking up into thousands of tiny pieces, the ship was still on fire and the oil drums on deck were still exploding, I just couldn't take it anymore!

(Exit dream world)

I woke to Ant shaking me and asking anxiously if I was ok, I sat up bleary eyed, and stared into the person who had interrupted my nightmare, 

"I was just having a nightmare again..." I trailed off crying, why would Ant care? Why would he even bother to check? I was a former Pirate! Why would he care about a Pirate?

Ant sat down next to me, wrapping me in a hug, "It's ok, it's ok, you're not in your nightmare, it's ok, it's ok." Ant kept on repeating,

I looked over at the clock, great, 1:34, 

"Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" Ant asked me, "You might actually get some sleep then."

"Why? Why did you come to check on me? My Dad never did and neither did any of the crew, Finn might sometimes but not often, just why Ant. Why?" 

"Because it's a nice thing to do, if someone is hurting or is in pain, physically or emotionally, we help them. That's what this submarine does to the ocean, we clean it up and help protect it and make it a better place."

"Thank you." I said snuggling down into his chest, I once again drifted away into darkness.

A/N: Well what did you think? I know it's a little bit short, but I figure it suits it's purpose.


Comment, it's a good thing to do!

p.s. I'm open to suggestions, will give shoutouts to people making suggestions and being brave.

Don't worry if I don't immediately get back to you, 

I will eventually, 

Cause: (school, they have blocked Wattpad. GRRRR!)

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