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By the next couple of days Lucifer kept tsume close to him and helped her understand the life in hell, she didn't understand but wanted her to be careful when she finds herself alone. She was introduced to Charlie and wanted them to get along since she was going to live with them, after talking with Lilith it seemed Lilith found her cute as a button and allowed the little one to stay for as long as she wanted. And that's how life went, when Lucifer was out the little angel would try to play with Charlie who she started to look up to and call big sister but with Charlie's jealousy that the little angel took her father's attention, she started to hate her and had to fake liking her since she was so glued to her father's side like she always wanted to be.

Tsume's pov)

"Big sister Charlie play with me!"

Tsume shouted as she had her teddy bear in hand swinging it around laughing

"No thanks and please stop calling me big sis"

"but you are older than me?"

Tsume said as Charlie sigh

"Yes but we're not really sisters, were not even born from the same blood so... don't"

Charlie said as Tsume was sad by her words but smiled again trying not to be bothered by the truth of them not being real sisters. She always tried to play with Charlie at some point. Her crying would make Charlie play with her but normal Charlie would get tired of this and yell at her.

Time jump age 12-

later in the day when Lucifer got home tsume would be the first name he would call and she would run with speed into his arms, he would bring her little gifts here and there but nothing big and nothing for Charlie, tsume would try to share her toys but it would seem that Charlie Doesn't want anything to do with her or she would just ignore her and go out with her mother when she isn't busy.

"Daddy play hide and seek please!"

Tsume asked jumping up and down waiting for him to reply, as he thought about it while rubbing his chin

"Hmm,ok but then bath for you"

He said as Tsume squealed and ran off fast threw the house laughing

" Little Apple, we're did you run off to?"

Lucifer called while looking for tsume, tsume herself was hiding in his bedroom under his bed trying not to make a sound, she heard the door to his room open and saw white shoes stand there for a minute before he went around and started opening closets and drawer

"Oh well I guess she's not here"

He said and left the room, tsume sigh in relief only to scream when a hand grabbed her feet and pulled her out as she was tickled by Lucifer as laughter filled the air

"Found you my love"

he said as Tsume reached up and took his hat and then ran out of the room with it. She ran with the hat as fast as she could to the kitchen and hidden under the big table , it didn't last long because he found her again and had to carry her to her bedroom for a bath


"Sorry love but bath time"


"No is not a word"


She tried to get away from him but he had a good grip on her and had to remove her clothes and take away the hat. Tsume was pretty much a little hard to handle but easy to control when it came to something she liked or wanted.

One day when the family was coming home from dinner, tsume stopped when seeing on the tv showing hell's exstream bladers. On the tv they showed a lot of demons going through dangerous tunnels and high ramps as they tried to get through the finish line. Tsume watched this show before but Lucifer never liked it when she watch stuff so bloody also a lot of the consistent die

Hazbin hotel: Lucifer's 🍎and Alastor AngelWhere stories live. Discover now