Her first time✨

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Tsume POV)

Time skip day 40 days left-

Tsume tryed not to let things bother her as Jackson distracted her with games and other things. Angel needed them for turf war stuff and as much as tsume didn't like it she decided not to fight the urge in using her powers

"Alright, guys let's give them what they get!"

Angel said taking out his guns and charging in with Jackson we first did not make good do anything she heard her name being called her she turned around to see Alastor

"Alastor what are you doing here?"

She questioned not seeing him appear out of nowhere but she have noticed he will do that when they're not around each other for a while

"Looking for you , we don't spend time together as much anymore"

"Sorry, it's just Jackson and angel needed something and wanted to hang out. But I'm not doing anything important"

She said What a smile as he looked behind her to see the chaos unraveling

"Are you sure because it looks like you were a little bit busy"

"Uhhhh" She couldn't answer as angel dust called

"Tsume we need you!"

"Ugh! Sorry hold on" She said and ran off making a ball appear and smacking it to the enemies like servicing a volleyball as it sucked them up and made them disappear

"Ok, now we can go out if you want"

She said with a smile

"I couldn't pull you away from your friends, or your fun"

"It's fine, I helped long enough," She said as Jackson came over

"Your leaving?"

"Yep, I haven't spent time with Alastor for a while sorry Jackson," She said as he sigh, Jackson had backed off of Alastor as the two Tried to get along

Tsume knew time with Alastor wouldn't last, even the time with her brother will always be forever but knowing that she'll be leaving just troubled her every single day

"Something wrong darling, don't tell me you're still thinking about the execution?"

Alastor questions, the two were walking down the sidewalk as she didn't realize that she wasn't talking or responding to any of Alastor's questions

"Sorry I was starting now I'm not acting like myself right now but, the thought of not being with you anymore is starting to bug me"

Alastor chuckled as he took a hold of her hand and held it tightly

"My dear there's nothing for you to apologize for, I also feel the heavy weight of losing you also, being able to feel this wonderful feeling with you every day that I'm around you is a feeling that I don't ever want to let go or forget"

He said with a smile but it drop 

"To be frequently honest, being with you sort of changed the man that I used to be"

Tsume looked at him for a while and only giggled

"You're just joking and besides what kind of man were you beforehand?"

He looked up at her while rubbing his thumbs over the palm of her hand

"Not a very good one, if you knew my backstory I think you would be afraid of me than you could ever be, you might want to leave me"

Tsume giggled as she cupped his face

"Why would I ever want to leave you, you are as fluffy as a doggy and as cute as a deer"

She pulled his head into her chest while hugging his head

"I love the freaking hell out of you, and I'm never letting you go!"

She shouted as she heard him muffle some words and couldn't hear him so she had to release him

"Sorry I couldn't catch that. What was that?"

I said that you smell like roses and I am happy that you have such strong feelings for me, They went back to the hotel but on the way there they came across someone robbing a bank.

"Oh no the bank is being robbed we should fight like the Powerpuff Girls and fight crime and the forces of evil" she said jokingly 

"I think your time with cartoons needs to come to a stop"

Alastor said knowing fully well that she watches cartoons on Saturdays and Sundays just to fill her imagination, Once back they saw headed to Alastor room, tsume remembered the first time that they made love as her thoughts were replaying each and every moment

"Are you okay?"

Alastor asked as he could see how nervous she looked for some reason, tsume probably thought she was making weird faces or probably looked like she wanted to run away

"I'm good just trying not to remember some things"

She told him as he believed that she was talking about the execution day coming up

"It's okay my dear, we all feel nervous about that day, even I for the first time... I know that I will be losing something very important to me on that day"

He said Whispering the last part as he unlocked his room door, she understood how he felt as her father felt the same way and was willing to do everything in his power to prevent her from leaving but tsume knew that there was nothing they can do to stop what was coming, she felt like it was her fault for being down here but she still wishes there was a way to stop this but didn't know how, when the door closed and she sat on his bed he sat next to her still seeing her lost in thought

"My dear please dont think so much, you're worrying me you might-"

She cut him off with a kiss, she got onto his lap and broke the kiss removing her shirt, she wanted him to love her again like last time, she knew what was coming but wanted to remember him no matter how little time they had. He kissed her body making her throw her head back and moan

He took off her bra and sucked on her nipples making her wings spread from her back. They kissed again as he took her pants off and she did him, he slide her in him, she moaned out grabbing his shoulders, moaning his name, he knew she wanted him as much as he did and granted her wish, she rides him fast as there moans and painting was getting hotter and faster. She tried to stay quiet not wanting to be loud but he wasn't going to let that happen and moved faster and when they came she screamed out as feathers spread around the room. He filled her up with every drop.

"Im never going to let you go"

He said as he flipped her over on her back and pushed in making her scream again. He wanted to hear her voice more every time he pumped into her and forced her to scream his name, she was his...and Alastor never wanted this feeling to go no matter if he had to die to keep this angel as his. Binding her to him was thought but he didn't want her light to die from being chained down and caged. She was much more alive when she was free and happy.

"Thank you..."

She whispered as she lay on top of him allowing her wings to cover them as they held each other.

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