Agni Kai

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chapter 1 Agni Kai

"No lightning today. What's the matter afraid I'll redirect it?"

"Oh I'll show you lighting"

Lightning flashed and crackled at Azula's fingertips and an evil grin spread across her face. Her eyes flickered to Katara. The lightning left Azula's fingers but it wasn't aimed at Zuko. The lightning was aimed at Katara. "NO" Zuko screamed as he leaped in front of the bolt leaving Azula's fingertips. Zuko tried to redirect it but the lightning hits his heart. He falls to the ground his body twitching from the electricity.

"Zuko '' Katara yelled while starting to run, but was stopped by one of Azula's lightning strikes. Another lightning strike hits the ground. Katara dodged the attack. Zuko flips onto his stomach and tries to push himself up and reach out to Katara but collapses back to the ground. Azula shoots another lightning strike at Katara but she leaped forward and sumersalted out of the way. Azula landed on a roof " I'd really like our family physician to look after little Zuzu if you don't mind". Azula says with a smirk, then shoots lightning at Katara when she finishes her sentence . Katara blocks the blast with water. Then Azula shoots fire down at Katara. Katara hides behind a pillar as the fire comes from behind . Katara felt the heat from the fire but it didn't hit her directly. "Zuzu you don't look so good" Azula says wickedly. As she threw a bolt of lightning at the pillar Katara was hiding behind. But Katara runs to a different pillar before the lightning can hit the one she was hiding behind before. Katara bended a water stream to the roof but Azula wasn't there. Azula appeared behind Katara,  fire coming out from her hands and feet. Katara ran as Azula chased her. Katara froze water into a concave riding it across the courtyard as Azula shot fire at her. Katara stumbled onto a sewer grate . She looked up to see chains and an idea comes to Katara, so she grabbes the chains. Azula comes from around the corner saying in her wicked voice, "there you are, filthy pesent". Azula walked towards Katara. Katara's face was angry and determined , the two locked eyes for a moment. Then Katara bended 4 water streams at Azula. But Azula somersaults forward dodging the attack. Azula was getting ready to shoot lightning but, Katara bends water from the sewer beneath them, incasing the two in ice. Katara exhaled letting the water around her melt. She then goes around Azula using the chains in her hand to tie the chain around Azula's hands, then ties Azula's chained hands to the handle of the sewer grate . After she chains Azula to the grate, Katara sends the water around them back in the grate below them. After some short coughing Katara tightens the chains around the handle. After getting up, Katara runs to Zuko to heal him.

Kataras POV

I get to Zuko and I flip him on his back. My head is spinning with things like, am I too late, is he dead, am I never going to get to tell him what I feel? why did he jump in front of that lightning for me? I push all that to the back of my mind so I can focus on healing Zuko. I grab water from my water skin wrapping the water around my hand and I place both of my hands on Zuko's wound, and the water starts to glow. I open my eyes to see that Zuko's eyes are also open. Relief floods over me like a wave, along with a smile. "Thank you Katara '' Zuko says weakly . "I think I'm the one who should be thanking you" tears flow down my face with joy that he's not dead. I help him get up on his feet as we turn to Azula, who starts to breathe out fire. Then she starts to cry and shriek . I look away, not wanting to see Azula's breakdown. Azula falls over whimpering in her defeat .

Zuko POV

There's an intense pain in my torso but I try to ignore it so Katara won't be worried. I know she's right beside me in case something happens. Eventually we get to my room. I sit on the bed while Katara pulls some water from her water skin. "What's that for? '' I ask. "You need more healing Zuko. you think you'll be right as rain after one healing session " she chuckles a little. "Now lay down" her voice went from a chuckle to demanding . I roll my eyes but do as I'm told. She puts the water on my wound and it glows and I can see that all of her focus is on healing so I stay quiet. But she breaks the silence after a moment. "Why did you jump in front of the lightning?" I'm a little surprised by the question. I want to say 'because I love you.' But instead I say "I guess I did it because I knew you would have done the same and I couldn't have lived with myself if I had done nothing." She smiled to herself , and for a second I thought I saw her blush, but I'm not sure.

I might have fallen asleep because I heard a crash and my eyes opened as if I had been so I must have, I looked around to see what caused the crash . I looked at where Katara was standing to see that she had collapsed. I got off the bed quickly to her side. "Katara '' I said, shaking her a little. "Katara wake up '' I shook her again with a little more panic in my voice. She took a deep breath, still unconscious . I sighed in relief. I looked next to her, and next to her was a water glass. She must have knocked it over when she collapsed. I sat up and I realized the pain from my wound was almost gone. I looked back at Katara and decided that she should have a better place than the floor to be unconscious . I picked her up bridal style and opened the door. I went into the hallway , making my way down the hall to one of the spare rooms. I opened the door to a spare room and set Katara down on the bed. I took her shoes off for her. I put her shoes by the side of the bed and took one of the blankets on the bed and put it over her body. When I got back to my room the pain from my wound was more intense so I decided i should go back to sleep.

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