the gangs back

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Chapter 9 the gangs back.

Zukos POV

"Ahhh,'' I hear Katara yell from her tent where she and Nara are doing a healing session. It's so hard to restrain myself from barging in there. But I would be getting in the way, and Nara specifically said no interruptions unless it was an emergency. The screaming stopped and Nara walks out looking more exhausted than before.

"Maybe you should rest" I tell her.

"Yeah . That would be a good idea," she agreed.

"Ok now I know you're not alright because you just agreed to rest and that never happens."

"Haha." her laugh was . She walked to her tent and disappeared into it. I decide to check up on Katara. I walk into the tent to see her clutching her shoulder, a little sweat dripping down her face, and her clenching her jaw trying not to cry out in pain.

"How do you feel?" I ask worry striking through me.

"F-fine," she lied. "The process takes a lot out of the person doing it and the patient."

"I can tell by the way Nara was when she came out of here and the condition you're in right now."

"I'll be fine in 48 hours." she said exhaustion in her voice. "I should rest.'' I nodded and turned to leave.

"Zuko. " I turn back to face her. "Thank you." she says getting up and hugging my with her good arm. I hug her back.

"I'm going for a walk." I tell Miro. He nods in response. I walk down the path till I get to the river. I sit on a rock and throw pebbles into the river. I hear a stick snap. I bolt up.

"Who's there?" I ask ready to fight.

"Zuko?" Aang says, walking out from a bush.

"Aang?" I say with a small smile. Aang airbends himself over the river and we hug.

"It's been awhile buddy."

"Yeah. It has. To be honest I thought you were one of Sorro's goons."

"Sorro? Like Nara's brother Sorro?"

"Yup. she's actually helping me and Katara fight him and his new war movement." I see Aang's face brighten at the mention of Katara.

"It must be hard for her to fight her own brother."

"Actually it's pretty easy for her." I responded. I hear running feet and then I see Nara sprinting to us.

"Zuko!" Her voice is in pure distress. She tripped over a rock. She landed at me and Aang's feet. I kneel down and help her sit up.

"Sorro....Danger....Miro fighting ....Katara. She gasped for air inbetween words.

"Katara what about her?" I hear Aang beat me to the question.

"Nara slow down deep breath."

"Sorro attack, Katara's in danger, Miro's fighting by himself, he wants to kill or capture me and Katara because we're healers and can get the team to bounce back faster than his team can." My eyes widened.

"Aang get Nara to safety. I'll help Miro.'' Aang nodded knowing better than to argue with me. I sprinted to the clearing. Miro is keeping katara behind him as I see Katara kick a guy in the guts.

"Come on make this easy Miro, hand the girls over."

"NO!" I hear Miro yell.

"Fine the hard way it is. Get em." Sorro snaps his fingers and Miro is grabbed by 5 agents and dragged away. I see him getting beet up by them but I have to protect Katara. An agent is about to attack her but I firebend at them causing them to step back. There's a roar above our heads and everyone looks up but I don't, knowing one of the agents is going to attack. I see a firebender getting ready to strike lightning at Katara. I step in and redirect it. Appa lands. The team jumps out. Aang air bends agents away, Toph earthbends them, Sokka and Suki fight with swords.

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