The First Attack

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Chapter 5 The First Attack

Zukos pov

I was asleep till I felt a presence in my room "who's there?" I yelled out.

"Hello fire lord Zuko. My name is Noomba. I'm an earth bender and I'm only here to talk unless things get out of control." He said with a little hope that things would get out of control.

"What are you here to talk about Noomba?"

"The war and how you're going to restart it."

"Restart the war, are you crazy? Why would I do that? And why would you want that?"

"I want it for the sake of my nation. The past earth kings had no idea the war was just outside the walls of Ba Sing Se. They were also weak and idiots. The earth kingdom needs a ruler like the fire nation rulers but not Ozei he was just insane. We need a ruler like the ones before the war and the only way for that to happen any time soon would be for the fire nation to win a new war."

"I'm sorry that your rulers are not what you'd like them to be but I can't start a war for one reason. And a reason that has been brought to me by someone breaking into my home."

"I was hoping that it wouldn't come to this but it seems it has. We came here with a back up plan incase you didn't cooperate."


"Capture the fire lord!" Noomba yelled out and about seven people came out of the shadows all weather fire benders or earth benders. I scrambled to dodge attacks. One of the rocks hit me in the back and I went flying through the door. I fought all the attackers but there were too many of them. I was struggling to keep them off of me. I sent a circular blast out causing most of them to fall but one stayed up and pinned me to a wall with a knife to my throat. "Your captured now fire lord." Just as the attacker was going to knock me out. Water came from the other end of the hallway. "Katara,'' I said in relief. "How did you know I-"

"I heard the crashing of the door," she said, cutting me off.

Me and Katara fought side by side. I took the leader and three others. Katara took the other four. I was done with three of the attackers; the leader was a formidable foe. Noomba hit me with a big rock to the stomach. I felt something in my torso break from the force. I saw Katara leap onto and right off of a dresser in the hallway. She had her arm across her body with water following her commands. She moved her arm back to its rightful place at her side and the water went right into the leader's head with enough force it knocked him out. Katara landed on her feet and then walked over to me. "Are you ok?"

"I think I'll be fine." She helped me up. When I clutched my torso she pulled out some water from her water skin by her side and started to heal my broken rib. "How many times am I going to have to heal you in one day?" she said jokingly."

"I don't know. "

"Any other wounds I should look at?"

"I don't think so. " I said not so sure if I had any more ingress  or not.

Katara finished healing my broken rib. I called the guards to arrest the intruders. After that we just stood there in the hallway until Katara broke the silence. So I haven't seen Mei, did something happen between you two?" I was shocked by the question.

"No nothing happened, her family just went on a vacation, that's all. Why do you care?"

"Can't I be interested in my friend's life?"

"I suppose. I'm gonna go back to bed."

"You just had a near death experience and you're gonna go back to sleep?"

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