Chapter 8

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Light bloomed in the darkness.

Velvet laughed, letting Ant twirl him. The fireflies twinkled in the bushes as they danced their way along the bank of the creek, blurring into psychedelic streaks of gold in the hazy air. He felt giddy and drunk and it was like his head was full of cotton; invisible creeper vines sprouted through his skin and pulled his heavy, unwieldy body along like a marionette.

He'd never felt so strange, but he'd never felt so good.

Ant's eyes flashed, glittering blue and full of starlight. "Are you having fun?"

Yeah, Velvet tried to reply.

He slapped his hand over his mouth in alarm and mortification when all that came out was a garbled, incoherent mess of syllables. Ant laughed, grasping his waist and pulling him into a close and quick-paced waltz, in time with the strange, echoing drums that blended with the whispers and the calls of animals and insects.

"I can understand you just fine," he breathed. Up close, his eyes were hypnotic, shimmering with strange, iridescent fractals that were impossible to describe. "It's my energy, I think. It rubs off."

They tangoed along the branch of a redwood tree, one that seemed impossibly large yet incomprehensibly tiny compared to the vastness of the swirling multicolored void of aurora borealis and stars around them. The fireflies swelled into enormous orbs of light that burst one by one into psychedelic golden glitter, and Velvet could hear the birds, countless chattering birds and the drone of insects. It felt like he was in a jungle, wrapped in a gooey haze that melted his brain into taffy.

They splashed through the creek. Velvet gasped as he lost his balance and fell backwards into the water.

His head went under. The water weeds and lily stems that caressed him weren't slimy and cold; no, their feathery touches made Velvet shudder pleasantly as Ant twirled him across the lakebed, gazing lovingly into his eyes.

Bubbles frothed around Ant in a sparkling kaleidoscope of refracting light. The being's eyes were lidded as their hips swayed.

Velvet didn't bother to try and keep from staring.

Ant was like the depths of the ocean, or the vast reaches of outer space, he thought; Ant was ethereal and fascinating and unexplainable, dazzling and otherworldly but oh so real and oh so deadly.

And then Velvet's head breached the surface.

He gasped violently, his feet digging into the mud at the bottom of the swamp as they spun through the shallows in a smooth foxtrot. Countless spiderwebs hung from the mangrove trees, alight with the pulsating glow of ensnared fireflies, and the mist over the water swirled like glittering smoke caught in the wind, starlight sparkling in the leafy canopy.

It was like a dream.

Is this a dream? Velvet felt his mouth move, definitely slurring his words.

"Do you want it to be?" Ant breathed.

Their foreheads were pressed together now. Ant looked simultaneously more human and more wild than he ever had, fangs visible between his cold, parted lips, feline pupils blown wide.

I don't think so, Velvet murmured. Do you?

"No," Ant replied, heavy mist and glittering dust clinging to his voice.

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