Chapter 1: 7 Layers of Hell

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Relationships, friends, grades, family, and money, these are the things that cause people to suffer. Why is that? I know. Because of all those things, I took my own life.

Morning's come after night falls or is it the other way around? Everyone has their own opinions of life, but I'm pretty sure no one wants to make their way to hell after they die. My life in particular was nothing special (In my opinion at least). School was a bummer, my friends weren't people to be trusted, my parents haven't been home for 6 months, and our family has financial issues. To some people I might've been weak; considering I took my own life, but I know for a fact that I remained strong for a long while. Instead of me telling you what happened before my death let's talk about what's happening right now. I'm having a tea party with the devil.

He looks exactly like what people describe him as; Big, Tall, Red, and has horns. But there is one big detail that everyone is wrong about. He isn't scary or mean; in fact he's quite the funny and eccentric guy. Now you must be thinking why am I having a tea party with a devil? Well, its simple. It all started when I took my own life and was sent to hell.

Here is where it all began or should I say where it ended.

I was sitting in the bathtub naked and alone. I could feel the cold water enter every part of me. My hands and feet have become all wrinkled as I sit there with the biggest dilemma I have ever struggled with, whether to kill myself or not. To me, there was nothing to live for. No friends (that can be trusted at least), no family, and bad grades. I really hate the thought of taking my own life. No one should do that. The pain that is caused by this one action leaves many people (family) in grief and sadness. I wouldn't have done what I did if I didn't receive that stupid text.

"Sorry, Kathy.... I didn't mean to. I was drunk and didn't know what I was thinking... I didn't mean to sleep with Maggie"

He was lying. He wasn't drunk and he certainly knew what he was doing. I was in the other room while they were having sex. I knew that they had been a thing for a while when I wasn't around. The worst thing he could possibly do was to say he didn't mean it and wanted me back. This was what made me kill myself. This was the last nerve that broke my resilient self. This was the last time I wanted to live on earth.

After I sliced the knife across my wrist everything became cold (not just because of the water) and fuzzy. Soon enough all the water in the tub became all red and everything to me became all black. I think I woke up a few minutes later in the bathtub. I thought to myself that life itself hated me so much that it didn't want to let me die either, but I was wrong. This wasn't where I died this was where this story begins. Next to me was a black, oddly shaped figure hovering over me. Even though it didn't have a face I could sense the darkness and sadness in its aura. To be honest I was really scared; I mean who wouldn't be? That didn't stop me from saying anything though.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked

Of course there wasn't a reply. Usually in these types of movies or books "they" don't reply, at least not in the ones I've seen. Killing myself in the end was a bad idea. I didn't know where I was and didn't what would happen next. I only hoped for being like sleeping beauty; forever sleeping and never waking up even when prince charming comes. There was a sudden low demonic voice repeating words over and over...

"What are you? Acedia? Invidia? Or Avaritia? Which sin are you?"

The next thing I know I was lying on a hard rock pavement. Everything around me was red and burning with flames. Without any more hints I knew I was in hell. Hell in books and movies were the same in actual hell. Suddenly, I hear a high-pitched scream from afar. I stood up and looked around. I was wrong. Hell was nothing like in the movies not after what I've seen.

Plenty of bones, bodies, and live people were everywhere. The "live" people didn't even seem like humans anymore they were all injured and broken. They all seemed to be hurt in one way or another. But there was one thing that was weird... they all seem to working; doing something important. Like as if their lives depended on it. This question didn't last long. Something from behind grabbed me by the neck and brought me up to their eye level. My eyes widened and my mouth became dry. It was a human. No. It wasn't human anymore at least. It had been deformed more than once; I knew that for sure. The mouth was split from bottom to top; the eye sockets were dragged down to the corner of the mouth, but worst of all it was laughing at me. Even thought it held my tightly on the neck I was still able to breathe. It continues to laugh, but stopped when a long slender tall shadow appeared.

"What are you? Superbia? Gula? Or Luxuria? Which sin are you? It sang

The deformed human dropped to the ground all of a sudden. Before I could get up the long slender shadow hovered over me.

"Y.O.U. M.U.S.T B.E. N.E.W. H.E.R.E" the long shadow whispered

I hesitated to say anything, but thought that the better thing to do was reply.

" what am I doing here?" I asked

Suddenly, the shadow grabbed my neck and held on it tightly. This time I couldn't breathe. Even though I was already dead I could still feel the pain as if I was actually getting strangled (which I was). He eventually let me go and I began to gasp for air.

"Hmmhm sorry. I can speak your language now. Welcome to heaven" it said

"...Ex...Excuse me? Heaven? You mean hell" I replied

The pain in my throat was still traveling around. The shadow said this was heaven. It was definitely wrong. This is no heaven; in fact this is 100% hell.

"Let me explain to you Katherine." It said

"Hell is separated into seven layers; following the seven deadly sin. Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Lust, Sloth, and Wrath. Each person that dies and comes to hell is obligated with one major sin. Depending on which sin they have they will put to an obstacle facing the sin. If they succeed they will be given a chance to meet the devil in hopes that he will let them either reincarnate, turn to a ghost (sent back to the world), or remain in hell and do what ever they want.

I stand their frozen. What? How is this heaven I think to myself. This was anything but heaven. Just because they give us choice doesn't mean this is heaven. Even though I didn't want to stay here I was curious what the devil looked like. I was curious what the obstacles were.

"So Katherine. What sin are you?" it asked

I thought to myself for a while. What sin was I?

"Katherine. Why don't we take a tour of the seven layers?" it asked

I agreed. With a flash, we were standing in darkness. We were there for a few minutes then BOOM. We were standing in a dead grass field. The sky was gray and everything there was uncolored. From a far I could see a man running towards us. Before I said anything it spoke,

"This is the first layer of hell. Acedia. Also known as Sloth." It said

I didn't notice what was wrong until I saw why the man was running. It was running away from a disfigured monster. His left arm was ripped off and he was in agony and fear. Then I remembered. Even in hell you could feel pain.

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