Chapter 2: Acedia

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He was terrified,  he was running for his life and he was dying. I couldn't look at his agony anymore; I wanted to look away, but something stopped me from looking away. It wasn't long after till the monster caught up to him and tore him to bloody pieces. His limp limbs scattered across the bloody ground while the scent of death raises. I started to feel sick to my stomach and gagged abit from the horrific sight. 

                 "I want to leave. RIGHT NOW." I demanded

                 "I'm afraid we both know that that is impossible and plus you'd want to stay for the next part of this show" It said

It then struck me. This was all just a show to them and every death is a entertainment trick like a magic show. These sadistic motherfuckers are keeping us here and torturing these innocent people... but they werent. This was hell,  whatever we did in our lives before has caused us this terribly suffering and I was one of these people to be sent here. Before I could think any further a bright light flashed before my eyes not too far from where the man had died. Appeared right in front of us was a man who had bushy eyebrows, think dark brown hair, and last of all... scars all over his body; he was the same man.

                "As you can see my dear, it is not fair if he had just died this easily." It said

 He going to die, again. He was going to experience every inch of horror and pain all over again as if he was a new person. I understood this all now, they weren't going to let us off that easily, they were going to make us scared for our lives as long as we stayed here. By now the man had begun running for his life again while the digusting creature chased after him. 

I followed "It" down a rocky road, but the thought of the man still lingered in my mind. I didn't speak at all the entire way until a woman's cries could be heard not too far from where we were. Unwillingly, I continued to walk down the rocky path until a tall building no smaller than 30 metres was right in front of me and a naked woman with messy brown hair was pounding against the glass. But something was not right, inside the glass building were tiny grains of sand.

               "Do you know whats happening Katherine?" It asked

               I shook my head. "No. Why is there sand inside?" I asked 

"It" didn't respond, instead it pointed to the glass building. I looked at the building up and down until I realized that it was oddly shaped almost like an.... hourglass. No, it was an hour glass, a very large hour glass that's keeping the woman inside. 

             "Why is she inside?" I mumble

            "I'd expect you to be smarter than this. Use your brain while you still have it" It said

I disregarded the remark and thought about the hourglass. Hourglasses are used to be a timer; each speck of sand represents a minute and after that minute the speck of sand will fall down. When all the sand has fallen, the time would be up. I thought harder and harder but I couldn't think of why this would such a terrible punishment like the last one. 

            "I suppose you still don't understand. Let me explain it to you." It spoke

            I nodded my head in approval

            "Think about it this way, once the sand has all fallen the bottom of this building will be covered in sand that stands about 10 metres high." It explained

After hearing this, I knew exactly what was going to happen. The woman was no taller than 5"6 which meant she would be buried in the sand, resulting in suffocation. She was going to sitting there waiting for her death to come. I felt my stomach drop to the ground as the woman continues to plead for her release. I just stood there, looking her in the eye, knowing I couldn't do anything to help her and that I would soon face something just as bad if not worse. I wanted to go home, I wanted to be in my house, safe and wake up from this terrible dream. 

            "You see Katherine. In this world, each sin has several different punishment methods based on how they commited the sin in their past life" It said

I didn't have the energy to reply after seeing all these terrible things happening to these people. I just nodded and let "It" take me down the rocky path again. It wasn't long until a putrid scent took over my nose. I looked up to see a clocktower, but something was very very wrong with this clock, in the centre was a boy no older than I was. One of his arm and leg had been chopped off and they were bent in inhumane directions. The worse thing was.... he was still alive. I couldn't handle this sight and broke down into tears.

         "Wha-what is wrong with you people!? What did you do to him?" I stuttered 

         "We are only giving him what he deserves in return of the sin he commited. As you can see, he comitted sloth and wasted a lot of time being lazy in his life before. This reuslts in him being time; his limbs are the two hands and he will move like a clock for 24 hours." It said

I didn't need "it" to tell me the next part of what was going to happen to him because I knew. The boy's limbs were pointing to the time "1:05". After an entire day, the boy would repair and he would have to feel every pain of his broken bones all over again. 

         "Katherine, I think you've seen enough of Acedia. Let's go somewhere else." It said

          "NO. The only place I want to go is home!" I shouted at the top of my lungs

I couldn't continue seeing this. Not because I pitied them, not because I cared about them, but merely the fact that I didn't want to know what was in store for me. I didn't want to know how I was going to suffer for the rest of my life like all these people. Maybe that was my sin; I have been selfish my entire life and it wasn't until now that I realized that I was selfish. Maybe this is what sent me to hell and maybe this was whats going to make me suffer for the rest of my life.


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