Chapter 3: Luxuria

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We continued to the next sin, but this time it was something I'd rather not see.

Walking in a distance was a woman who seemed paranoid of what was following her. Her hair had been ripped out in certain spots, her makeup all smudged, and worse of all she had bruises all over her body. I turned to look at "It" but it didn't look away from the woman instead it continued to walk closer to the woman. When we approached her it seemed like she couldn't see or here us at all, in fact I was so sure we were invisible to her.

        "Why can't she see us" I asked in confusion

        "That is part of her punishment" It responded

This made me even more confused. What sin was this? to be blind? I started to rule out the sins one by one based on my limited knowledge about the seven deadly sins (I should've paid more attention in class). Before I could ask "It" another question the woman started screaming and a black figure approached her, but "it" covered my eyes. I tried to force his hands away from my eyes, but "it" was somehow using some devil magic to stop me from moving.

           "I'm afraid Katherine that this sight is not for you to see" It explained

I didn't bother fighting back so I just listened to the cries of the woman. She was screaming in pain and I just wanted to cover my ears and pretend this wasn't happening. After a while, the woman stopped screaming and "It" uncovered my eyes. Laying on the ground was the woman all battered up and she was bleeding, a lot. I observed her wounds and saw something that made me puke; her vagina was bleeding. Then the thought hit me, she was raped. I felt sick and dirty, I didn't want to think about what had happened to her.

             "I suppose you know what happened to her?" It asked

I nodded my head and didn't dare to speak at all. How sick was this? Being raped by a sick disfigured monster in hell as a punishment.... that's when I understood. This was the punishment of Lust and this woman committed this sin in the life before.

             "Is this the punishment of lust?" I whispered

              "Indeed. Here it is called "Luxuria" the sin of lust and being lustful. In her past life, Margaret slept with many men when her husband was business trips. She eventually got sent to jail for seducing her nephew into bed with her. Later she died in prison due to food poisoning." It explained

Margaret, this was the woman's name. Suddenly, I felt worse than before now that I knew her name and her past. I felt like I was invading her personal space by learning all about her. I just wanted to leave this place and forget about all the people I have seen in this Hell.

                I turned towards "it" and asked, "Can we please leave now. I don't want to see any of this any longer"

                "Now Katherine, you're here because you committed a major sin and I'm bringing you here for you to remember what you did in your past life." It responded

Had I committed the sin of lust? I thought for a while and then it struck me.

Back in 2013, when I was still a loner and had no friends (not like I had many friends now) I went to a pool party hoping to become part of the "popular" group. It was a big mistake... that party led to an entire year of humiliation. I was pressured into sleeping with the school's football captain only to be recorded and leaked onto the internet. I was exposed and worse of all, I was pressured again to sleep with the school's emo freak. I thought maybe after I did this I would be accepted; only it wasn't that easy. Somehow the popular group got the school monitors to film us doing the act and it broadcasted in front of the entire school. I was so humiliated and I was branded the "whore" of the school.

 Unknowingly, I had tears running down the sides of my cheeks and I was on my knees. This was something I'd been trying so hard to block out of my memory, but it came back. Maybe I was the sin of lust, maybe I was a slut and maybe I did deserve these punishments.

                  "Katherine. You remember don't you? Luckily for you, this is not your sin." It said

                  "THEN WHY AM I HERE?!" I screamed

I was tired and depressed from all that is surrounded me.

                    "Katherine. Get a hold of yourself. You really think you're that innocent? Let me ask you something then. What happened on May 6th, 2011?" It asked

I thought harder and harder, but nothing came to mind. It was a regular day with my parents and I, I came home from school and I hid in my room until dinner came. They said they were going to go out for a movie and invited which I refused to go to because I wanted to sneak out later that night to attend a concert. Nothing was unusual that day, it was just like everyday.

                     "What do you mean? Everything was normal. Everything was fine." I said defensively

                     "Katherine. What happened to your brother?" It asked

My brother? I didn't have a brother. I was the only child in the family; my mother did want another child, but I refused to let her. I said I would kill the baby if I needed to.... No, no, no. I couldn't have could I? My mother wasn't pregnant then... No this is just some trick to make me think I did something I didn't. I went to the concert with my friend so it would be impossible...

                      "Katherine, you followed your parents to the clinic-" It said

                      "STOP. None of this happened you fucking monster." I screamed

My hands started trembling non stop and my heart started beating faster and faster. The doctor, the good news, the drugs, and... and my little brother.

I killed my baby brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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