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this story has fire in it so if that could be triggering to you, please skip this. anyway onto the story now.

Mike was at the prize counter with Lottie. She had slept in his room last night, but he still needed to fix the music box for her. "I think I'm almost done C." he said. "Thanks Mikey, but do you smell that?" Lottie asked him. He did actually. Smelled like something was burning. "Ok who's in the kitchen?" Lottie ran ahead of him and opened the kitchen door. "It's Susie." she said. Mike sighed and joined her at the door. "Jesus christ." he said. "Hi Mikey! Hi Lottie! I tried making cupcakes for everybody." Mike grabbed the fire extinguisher. "Susanna, the oven's on fire." he stated calmly. "Yeah, I don't know how long to cook cupcakes for." When he finally got the fire out, he turned towards Susie. "What type of cupcakes did you try to make?" he asked. She hung her head and looked down. "I dunno, fire?" Mike laughed. "I meant the flavor." "Oh! I made chocolate!" she said excitedly. Mike looked in one of the many cupboards. Yeah, she definitely tried to make cupcakes. There was frosting, sprinkles, and flour everywhere. "Alright, how about this, you help me clean everything up and then afterwards we make cupcakes together?" he asked. Susie smiled. "You mean it?!" she asked beaming. "Yeah, go grab a mop and a bucket of water and we'll get started."

I now bring you time skip sponsored by, "I don't wanna write about them cleaning ^^"

Mike was stirring cupcake batter. Susie ran up beside him and stood on the stool to reach the counter. "I found these purple cupcake liners." she said. "Perfect! I'm done mixing these so we can get them in the oven now." He helped her pour the cupcake batter into the muffin tin and then he set it carefully into the oven. "Don't we need to put on the frosting and the sprinkles?" Susie asked. "We put those on after we're done baking them." Mike smirked. "Oh, I see." She hoisted herself onto the counter. "Hey, how come you know how to cook so well?" she asked him. Mike smiled. "After my mom died, I had to make food for my siblings almost every day, so I had to learn how to cook eventually. My father was always busy so it just kinda became one of my many responsibilities." he said. "Oh, I'm sorry." Susie said. She looked really upset now. "Hey, it's ok. I like to cook and bake for you. It gives me something to do ya know?" They both smiled. "Lets clean the dishes we used while we wait for the cupcakes to be done." Mike said. "Ok!" Susie hopped off of the counter and down to his side, then she grabbed his hand and led him to the sink. Around half an hour later, the cupcakes were completely finished, and Susie and Mike may or may not have had a frosting fight in the kitchen while decorating them.

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