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just so you know, the William in this story is not a good person at all. also I saw that picture and immediately thought, "Mrs. Afton took that," so I wrote a story based off of it. :D

Theodore was sitting at a diner table. Cassidy had gone to go find more markers (the markers they currently had were drying up because Lottie forgot to put the caps back on when she last used them.) He looked down at his drawing. It wasn't finished yet, but it was turning out really nice. He was trying to recreate a family picture with his siblings from years ago. Somewhere, he had a faint memory about their mother lining them up in the backyard to practice her photography. He missed his mom, even though he hardly remembered her. He remembered the lullabies she used to sing and her red hair. Beth looks just like her, from what he could remember. He and Mike got the bad genes. He frowned thinking of his father. "Dang, what an ass." he said out loud. "Language." a deep voice said behind him. He turned around and saw Michael. "Sorry." he said smiling sheepishly. Mike sat down in the chair next to him. "Where did Cassy go?" he asked. "To yell at Lottie for ruining our markers and get us some new ones." Theo smirked. Mike grimaced. "Again? I don't wanna buy anymore markers already." Mike looked down to see Theo's drawing. "Is that us?" Mike asked. Theo nodded. "I had a dream last night about mom taking pictures of us all the time. Lizzy liked to dress up for them, but you hated it cause mama made you wear gel in your hair." he said. "Yes, it made me look too much like father." Mike responded. "Mikey, can I ask you something?" Theo asked. Mike prepared himself for what this could be. "Sure, ask away kiddo." Theo looked solemn. "Do you think dad is a bad person?" Mike wasn't expecting that. "In all honesty, yes, I do kid." Mike said. Theodore sighed. "I do too. I think I've finally come to grips with everything he's done." Theo could feel tears coming to his eyes. "I didn't want to believe it because, well he's my dad! But, he's hurt you, and my friends, and Ellie, and even me. He's hurt mama, and Uncle Henry. He hurt so many families by taking away their children, he stole lives from little kids. I couldn't even remember my damn name or who I was at one point because of him!"Tears were streaming down his face at this point. He reached his hands up at Mike in a grabby motion. Mike pulled him into a hug. "You're right, he's a really bad person, but we don't have to be like him." he said. Theo sobbed into Mike's arm for around 10 minutes, all the while Mike comforted him. "It will be ok, he can't hurt us anymore." Mike said, wiping away his tears. "What the hell is going on in here?" They both turned and saw Cassidy standing in the doorway. Guess she finally found those markers. She smiled creepily. "Michael, did you make Kris cry?" she asked. Even though everyone knew Theo's real name, Cassidy still called him by the name she gave him when they were stuck in the golden freddy suit all those years ago. "No he didn't! I was just having some bad memories!" Theo said. Cassidy sat down across from them. "Well if you say you're alright, fine then." She still didn't fully trust Michael, or any adult for that matter. Honestly who could blame her? "Aw! Cassy! Were you worried about little ol' Theodore?" Mike asked in a mocking tone. "Was not!" she yelled. Theo laughed and picked up a blue marker. "Can I join you two?" Mike asked. Theo looked at Cassidy. "I don't really care." she stated. "But you have to be quiet, and don't get used to it!" "Ok mom." Mike laughed. "Shut." she seethed angrily. "Yes ma'am." Mike stuttered. "Cas, what are you drawing?" Theo asked. She held up her drawing. "It's us!" she stated proudly.

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