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"I want to eat.", Jimin softly said to the nurse and she nodded right away. He felt cold and hungry.

He wanted to go home. Sleep in his cozy bed and cover himself with a blanket. Picking on his nails as he swayed himself in his rocking chair.

The nurse came with pudding. Again.

"I don't want this!", Jimin yelled as he threw the tray to the other side of the room. The nurse jumped and went to pick up the mess.

"I-I am sorry.", Jimin said as he covered his face. He was going crazy in this hospital. He started to cry trying to wipe his tears away.

"Do you want anything else?", The nurse asked.

He stayed quiet.

Jimin didn't talk much and when he did he felt guilty as he always got mad at the end. He always ended up yelling or crying. He hated himself.

So he stayed quiet not just for his well-being but for the baby. The nurse left and came back with soup. Again.

Jimin decided to eat it as he was hungry. When he finished he went to lay in his hard cushioned bed and stayed there until he was ready to eat again.

Until one day, his nurse couldn't take it. Jimin didn't seem crazy and with the baby in him, it made the nurses feel sorry for him.

His pregnancy got worse each day, his baby was picky and he threw up quite frequently. He whispered to himself that everything was okay and had a terrible time sleeping.

"Is he alright? He hasn't spoken in days... he only whispers...", Nurse Rose said.

"It's hard to find him a permanent nurse. They all feel bad for him at the end of the day.", Doctor Joy said.

"There's a new nurse coming tomorrow. They say he's excellent at his job and he could be up for it.", Nurse Rose said.

"I hope so or we'd have to move Mr.Park to a more rough hospital.", Doctor Joy said.

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