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"Want more sleep... Need more sleep...", Jungkook mumbled as his alarm clock was ringing. He was nervous about his job, usually, he was just an assistant but now he was taking a big step.

A nurse. He squished his cheeks and hopped out of bed.

"Wait no..", Jungkook said as he felt his legs go weak. He needed to lose that habit of getting out of bed so quickly.

It was five and it took him an hour to get to the mental hospital. Taking a bagel from his counter, he headed on his way.

He wondered what he'd be doing on his first day. Would he be told to do things or would they slack him off because he's new?

He cranked up the radio and engulfed himself in his world. The way to the mental hospital was driven into the back roads, having to worry about deers more than cars.

Jungkook was arriving at the hospital which he thought looked more like jail. Taking out the keys that he was given he opened the big doors. Nurse Rose was the first to greet him.

"Jeom Jungkook?", Nurse Rose asked him.

"Jeon not Jeom.", Jungkook said with a small smile.

"Pardon. Doctor Joy is busy at the moment and will talk to you later in the day.", Nurse Rose said signaling to follow him.

"We have decided to give you a person on your first day. As you do not need to do things an assistant as a start because you are experienced.", Nurse Rose said glancing at Jungkook for affirmation.

Jungkook gave a nod. Nurse Rose then did a small tour of the places where he would have to head to and places he was not allowed to go into yet.

She also gave him a map of the hospital.

"Take care of the map. Do not let any client look at it.", Nurse Rose said. She also gave him four keys.

"The key for your office, your patient's room, cafeteria, and main office. Your patient does not ask for much but if he asks for anything other than food you can head to the main office, I'm always there.", Nurse Rose said. She then took him to his office.

His office was a baby blue medium-sized room with a small plant on the side. A desk in the middle of the room including three chairs, a computer, and a minutare water dispenser.

"Take a seat.", Nurse Rose said. They both took a seat and Nurse Rose started flipping through her clipboard.

"Will you tell me about my patient?", Jungkook asked.

"Park Jimin. Instituted March 8, 2020. A bipolar behavior although these days he's been quiet. He's pregnant and it has been notified that his baby is a girl. Park is usually a picky eater but he does enjoy yogurt the most, do not overfeed him yogurt though, and likes being sang to.", Nurse Rose said and looked at Jungkook.

"We don't know why he was sent here, only Doctor Joy is notified about these types of cases. But it was said that he wanted to kill his husband and himself. Diagnosed with insomnia and minor hallucinations. Usually, nurses can't handle this job but for now, it's the only job available. They keep saying they feel sorry for him, that he doesn't deserve this.", Nurse Rose said.

"Any more questions?", She finally asked Jungkook.

"Not for now.", Jungkook said. He wasn't feeling as nervous as he felt this morning. He was ready for this and it's what he had wanted. Not to be an assistant but a nurse.

"So you'll take him?", Nurse Rose asked.

"Absolutely.", Jungkook said.

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