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song recommendation: I Love You So By The Walters

"To make things clear... you're taking Lina away from me...", Jimin said softly. Yoongi was in his room and wanted to come for a visit.

"That's not what I said Jimin. I said I'm going to limit the days to one day, not three days a week.", Yoongi said.

"You can't do that. That's unfair.", Jimin said.

"It's not unfair. It's just you're not doing well.", Yoongi said.

Jimin stayed silent. He wanted to remember but he couldn't open himself. Clips of his memories would just come and go.

"You need to eat more too, you're so thin.", Yoongi said grabbing Jimin's arm.

"Fuck you."

"What?", Jimin asked.

"I said you need to eat more.", Yoongi said confused.

"You said...", Jimin said.

"Are you okay?", Yoongi asked.

Jimin didn't feel safe around Yoongi. He never did. Even when they both danced around in the kitchen. Even when they both sang to songs in the car.

"You'll never leave me. You can't."

"I want you to go."

"I want you to go.", Jimin said. Almost as if he's said it many times to Yoongi.

"I still have 30 minutes with you silly.", Yoongi said.

"I want you to go now.", Jimin said.

"Don't you want to spend time with your husband?", Yoongi asked him grabbing Jimin's arm tighter.

"Let me go Yoongi...", Jimin whispered.

They made eye contact for a second. Yoongi stared at him and smirked.

"You remember don't you.", Yoongi said changing his tone.

"Let me go Yoongi!", Jimin yelled trying to get out of the house.

Yoongi slapped Jimin in the face as his anger piled up. Jimin stared at him astonished.

"You're not going anywhere. You're my fucking lover.", Yoongi said as he locked the doors. Jimin walked off to his room and cried.

He hated this. It felt as if he was back at his home. Where he'd learn to hide from the scary monster... when his mother couldn't protect him anymore.

Jimin couldn't leave another hell hole. He was trapped in another cave with a wild tiger. As days passed, Yoongi would become more violent... more possessive until he wouldn't let Jimin go anywhere.

"I want you to go.", Jimin would say as he hid in the closet until he was dragged out.

Jimin said nothing and his body was shaking.

"No one's going to believe you Jimin. Trust me. You've tried already and look where that got you.", Yoongi said patting Jimin's head.

"Please let me go.", Jimin whispered.

"You know I can't precious.", Yoongi said standing up. "Be good okay.".

Jimin's tears strolled down his face as no sound came out of his mouth. His body all bones, his lips all chapped, and his blood was all pale, just like his mom's.

"I miss you mom...", Jimin whispered to himself as he laid himself on the hard bed.

He had remembered but not all of it. His mother was dead and she had killed herself. Father didn't take it well and started drinking even more. Jimin was an only child and he'd try to avoid his father as much as possible.

But when he didn't, he would get hit until he bleed. His small delicate body was full of bruises and no one seemed to care. As his father was the richest man in town, they wouldn't dare cross such a powerful man.

It was always cold just like the hospital room. Jimin covered himself in blankets and cried again.

He couldn't stop crying... he couldn't stop having those terrible nightmares.

Those terrible nightmares that wouldn't go away. Not until he felt someone crawl into his bed.

"Jimin... don't cry. It's alright. I'm here now.", Jungkook spoke softly.

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