Chapter 1

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Reaper's point of view

For Reaper that should be easy to spot your soulmate but looking for them is the most hardest part within himself.

On Reaper's Left arm and hand are the colour black, he isnt able to control it because it has a mind of it's own, Reaper heard from the day he asked his mother and father that he couldn't move his arm and it suddenly would move by itself. They told Reaper that it's because that is his soulmate.

The arm bones are red and the hand bones are red and black, his finger tips are yellow. Reaper's right hand and arm bones are white.

On the surface of the earth out of a house that looks like the same as Sans and Papyrus's home, slowly the sun raise up waking the earth slowly the sun light creeps in Reaper's window shining on the bedroom ceiling.

In the bed Reaper sleeps alone naked, he smiles as he dreams.

Reaper's soulmate's arm stretches waking up, his soulmate goes to Reaper face and cups his cheek trying to wake him up, in their room groans echoes around Reaper shuffles on his bed moving under his pillow hiding his face as he groans more.

Later Reaper suddenly does a press up looking shocked and flustered having the pillow do a backflip slipping off him, his face blushed deep blue feeling his fingers getting licked even tho no one is in his room. he sits up facing the wall on the bed. Reaper looks down at his soulmates hand feeling his left hand that's connected to his soulmate now getting lots of kisses, Reaper smile tiredly, his hand goes to his soulmates black, red and yellow hand holding his secret soulmate.

Behind his bedroom door someone starts bang the door, his brother said "Sans! get up get up now! dont make me come in there!"

Reaper flinched from the sudden loud banging, he frown and look behind his shoulder looking at the door, he yells out "Im up im up!"

Reaper gets up getting ready for his day, he came out of his room and down stairs walking through the lounge into the dining room that's connected to the kitchen, Papyrus up the table with two plates of cereal waited for Reaper, he made a bowl for himself and the other for Reaper.

Papyrus looks up at Reaper and passing him a black piece of paper that looks like an abyss, Papyrus finished his mouth full and said "This is yours" Reaper takes the black paper and sat down on his seat.

Papyrus finished his plate then gets up off his seat and leaves the room while saying "Make sure you've eaten before you leave brother! I'm off to work now! bye!...... try and have a hopeful day!"

Reaper hears the front door close he sighs feeling his droopy eyebags on his face from how tired he feels, his elbow leans on the table as his chin layed in his hand feeling sleepy and drained to do work, he looks to the window looking outside seeing the long line of the end of the world, watching the sunrise turn the previously dark sky into a mix of reds, oranges, and yellow with the few clouds in the sky gaining deep red, orange, and pink tints as some partially hide the bright yellow sun

Scene goes to Error's point of view

In Dreamtale Error walks through the dead forest walking on the ashes that was the beautiful forest. Ink portals in the AU close by Error, Ink dashes to Error swaying his paint brush, he hits Error sending him flying, Ink jumps at Error following him, Ink using his foot and kicks Error down towards the ground, the ground gets painted black, Error goes through Ink's portal, portaling to his home, he flops on the white ground of the anti-void.

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