Chapter 2

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Scene goes to Error's point of view

In Error's room on his bed his blankets wraps Error in a borrow as he continues shaking holding his soulmates hands hiding away.

Error talks to himself and begs to see his soulmate. "Please save me, please please save me. Help me my love for I don't want to continue without you"
Error later cries laying his face on his soulmate's hand.

As time when by Error had calmed down as his soulmate stayed helping him.
Error's smiled feeling his soulmate kiss his invisible hand.

Error stayed on his bed feeling empty not wanting to do anything, his eyelights noticed his knife on his bedside table he thought about wanting his pain to leave.

Error get up with his blanket still wrapping around him, he stands infront of his knife.

Scene goes to Reaper's point of view

On the floor in the house Reaper cries sadden to know his soulmate is in pain and he can't save him, he looks at his drawing wanting to hold his soulmate and tell his soulmate that you are safe with me.

Reaper looks away as he cant stop his tears from falling. Reaper's eyelights notices his younger brother entering the room seeing Reaper's pain in his eyes.

Papyrus asked "Sans?" Reaper stares at Papyrus still crying.

Later Reaper was able to say "Papyrus... I want to hold my soulmate so so much. I want to be there for them so badly that its starting to crack my soul"

Papyrus's face looks at Reaper saddened that his brother is going through this, he knew that he couldn't help him. Reaper lifts his knees to his chest hugging his knees hiding his face in his knees. Papyrus walks away knowing that Reaper wants to be alone yearning for his soulmate.

Later Reaper gets up with tears stains on his face, he portals to undertale. Reaper floats in the air looking around to meet original Sans in the town snowdin

Reaper found original Sans walking on the snow, he said "Hey Classic, I need some help"
Original Sans suggested for Reaper to check out Omega Timeline and ask Core Frisk to help
Original Sans added "Don't hurt people around here"

-Reaper said "I know! im looking for my soulmate, so I can save them from whatever keeps hurting them!"

Original Sans said "don't yell at me"

Reaper apologized "sorry"

Original Sans said "I need you to leave. you shouting here is corrupting my timeline"

Reaper looks at Original Sans shocked, he said "It couldn't be that bad i did just saying that im not going to hurt-"

Original Sans said "Stop. I'll get Ink, Dream and Blue if you don't comply with me"

Reaper freezes from the threat knowing only about Dream, he opens his portal and leaves the AU entering back in Reapertale seeing his house infront of him.

Reaper get on the ground curling up into a ball feeling pain in his soul, he taps his soulmates red and yellow fingers needing comfort. But his soulmate hand didn't do anything. Reaper eyes started crying he taps his soulmate's hand again hoping for comfort.

His soulmates hand pats Reaper's knee cap then went back to not moving. Reaper hand squeezes into a fist, he stands up and shout out "CORE!! I need you!" Reaper looks up at the sky needing his soulmate badly.

Reaper heard Core Frisk near by, she said "Hello Reaper Sans. are you interested in the Omega timeline?"

Reaper looks down at Core he said "I want-"

Core frick adds interrupting him "Would you like to go there?"

Reaper said "Yer, right now"

Core nods, she said "Ok!"

Reaper asked "How do I get there?"

Core said "Its very simple"

Core faces his house and added
"All you have to do is walk through any door while thinking about going there. Go ahead, try it!" Reaper turns around, he floats to his front door grabbing the door handle opening the door.

Reaper looks inside seeing a white void. inside the door he is seeing two different Frisk's walking hand to hand on an adventure. Two Papyruses standing around talking to each other both looking like their from different AU's, one from in the underground and the other on the surface. A Small Sans with a cool blue cape running away. an Aphly's standing around infront of a tall Sans with stranger blue outer clothes. Three floating different Napstablook's. A purple Grilby kneeing down to two teenager fire monster girls eye levels, both the girls are a green fire monster smiling at the tall adult fire monster.

Core Frick stood in front of the chaos behind her, she says "Welcome to the Omega timeline! This timeline can be entered by anyone, no matter where your from. The amount of time you can spend here is unlimited. you cant enter other people's timelines from here though, only your own. But this place is never empty!"

Reaper steps in the omega timeline that suddenly a new Sans spoke, he said "Oh hey Frisk! introd-" The Sans looks at Reaper shocked and in fear cause of the death aura Reaper let off.

The Sans asked "Wh-who's that?"

Core Frisk said "This is Reaper Sans"

Sans asked "Wont he kill and scare alot of people here?"

Core Frisk said "Maybe, maybe not"

Reaper said "Look im only here to look for my soulmate bud"

Sans said "huh.... Can I show them around after you're done?"

Core Frisk said "Go ahead"

Sans said "Nice"

Core Frisk looks at Reaper adding "When I first discovered this place, it was empty, everyone you see here was told how to get here by me. Most people are just visiting, but there are a few who decided to move in permanently. They all are sole genocide survivors"

Reaper said "Huh interesting"

Core said "I'll let you go and explore, good luck"

Reaper said "Thanks" he floats away to the Sans.

Sans said "Hi. You can call me Space. im a copy of Outertale"

Reaper nods, he said "Call me Reaper, from Reapertale, an AU without any copies"

Space said "So your here to look for your soulmate?"

Reaper said "Yes, they're getting hurt from something, I need to save them from their hell"

Space nods, he asked "Do you know-"

Reaper's hand picks up his soulmate's hand showing Space his soulmate's arm. Their Humerus is black, their Ulna and Radius is red, their palm is black, their fingers is red and their fingers tips are yellow.

Reaper asked "Do you know anyone like this?"

Space stares curiously, he said "I swear I know of someone like this, we should head around to ask around about this"

Reaper said "Thanks"

Space and Reaper walks away going to a brown long dog with a dark blue cap hat, that has a river monster with a dark blue cap hat, standing on the dog's back beside the dog's shoulders waiting for passengers.

My Mate Is Behind The Wall [short story]Where stories live. Discover now