Chapter 8

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Scene goes to No ones point of view

Reaper smiles he looks at Error happily and said "Thanks!"

Reaper stares at Error shocked seeing him only wearing shorts showing off his whole ribcage, Reaper adds "Your Hot" he suddenly covers his mouth shocked to say that out loud, he looks away blushing bright dark blue.

Error chuckles, he made a pose putting his hand on his shorts and said "Nice to meet you too. Your not bad yourself~"

Reaper floats forwards to Error and said "Don't make that look, your getting yourself into big trouble"

Error smiles innocently, he playfully said being mischief "Nah, I would never"

Reaper playfully said "Sure you would never, ever would"

Error hummed "Mhmm"

Reaper hummed back "Mhmm"

Error hums again then Reaper hummed back again making Error chuckle, he said "Names Error. And you are?"

Reaper smiles, he said "Names Reaper. Nice to meet you"

Error asked "You talking to me or my body?"

Reaper moves his scythe close to Error's face without touching him, he said "Sorry bud, Im saving everything for my soulmate. I cant get close to anyone and be together anyways cause I cant touch any life"

Error felt sad to hear that, he said "Oh... Well at least you'll have your soulmate get all attention and love"

Reaper smiles, he said "That what I planned on. I want to protect them and give them all my Love wherever they are, that's why I agreed to Nightmare's deal. I wanna found them and save my soulmate who's Love of my life"

Error smiled saying "Good, they'll want that alot" he then adds "I better quickly get dressed now. I hope you find them. "

Reaper said "Im your neighbor, if you need me go ahead and knock on my door"

Error nods, he said "Ok will do"

Reaper waves his hand and said "Bye Error" When he said Error's name is sounded really hot, Reaper felt surprised by his own voice.

Error really loved the way Reaper said his name, he felt so attractive to him. Error mumbled out "Bye" he closed his door and leans his forehead on his door thinking about the way Reaper said his name.

Reaper stares at the door feeling a new feeling that he didn't know what it was but he did know he needs to protect this guy.

Reaper goes to his own room and when he entered he looks to the wall where on the other side is where Error would be living, he told himself "You look familiar"

My Mate Is Behind The Wall [short story]Where stories live. Discover now