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"In order for the light to shine so brightly the darkness must be present." The serene voice said.

I'm here again, in the middle of nowhere with only light surrounding me.

"Who are you?" I already asked for the nth time.

"Wake up, my Moon. Wake up."

I woke up again because of that voice. That Serene and Angelic voice who's always calling me in my dreams.

Ever since my 7th birthday, I always dreamed of her voice. I'm pretty sure it's a her since it's a voice of a woman. I always ask who she is but she just reply the same line, telling me to wake up.

She's always visiting me in my dreams and saying things I don't understand. But now, at the age of 18, I already know one thing. That I'm no ordinary person. Or even it's hard to believe that maybe, I'm not a human at all.

"Selene wake up! You're gonna be late for school!"

I came back to reality when I heard my Aunt Lily's yell.

"I'm awake!" I yelled back at her.

I fixed my bed and do my morning routine. I wore our japanese style uniform before brushing my hair. I have a long and straight black hair with a full bangs. It compliments my fair pale skin, red thin lips, rosy cheeks, thin almond eyes and my small pointed nose. I'm still 18 yet I have a matured hourglass body that every girls are dying to have.

I have a goddess like beauty, that's according to my aunt which I got from the looks of my parents. I didn't got the chance to meet them because they met an accident a week after I was born which lead them to their death bed.

I double checked all my things making sure I won't forget to bring it. I'll be living at the school---school dorm to be exact the whole semester. We'll only allowed to go home at weekends, holidays and semestral break.

When I already make sure I didn't left anything important behind, I grab my bag and luggages out of my room and put it in the living room.

"Good morning, aunt Lily" I greeted her while she's preparing our breakfast.

Her husband died the same night my parents had an accident and they didn't have the chance to have a child of their own. I always told her to remarry but she refuse and said that she will never replace her husband in her heart. That's how powerful her love is.

"Good morning, dear. How's your sleep?" She asked.

"I dreamed of her again." I said that made her quiet.

I told her about my dreams and that voice. At first she was shocked and asked many questions about it which was weird. But then, she told me that it was just my brain creating things.

"What did she said this time?" She asked.

I narrowed my eyes on her 'cause I was a bit shock that for the first time in a long time, she asked me about it.

"I don't remember." I lied and she just nod her head.

After that, we ate in silence. Everytime I bring up that topic, she'll became quiet like that topic is a taboo for her. And this is the first time she asked me about it which is a little weird for me.

"Good luck on your first day of school." She said as I bid my goodbye and we hug each other.

Today is my first day of school as a college student. I took the course BS Psychology and I'll be studying at a Prestigious and Private University. Talutah University. We don't have that much money but I got lucky to have the full scholarship at such elite school.

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