Chapter Fifteen

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15 | Nadia Spencer

Holding onto Benjamin's arm, I walk into the venue behind Billie Joe and Madeline. A white dress hugs Madeline, caressing her curves and drawing anyone's eyes to the soft skin of her breasts and the gentle arc of her back. 

I have to say, I'm not as jealous of Madeline as I should be, nor do I view her as an enemy. Easily, I can admire her beauty without an ounce of bitterness, for my mother not only taught me how to be strong but that no woman is our enemy, not truly. Maybe a woman isn't so polite, or does things that seem malicious, but in the end, we are all struggling under the patriarchy's thumb. We can either work together, or be crushed by powerful men.

Billie's arm is slung around Madeline's shoulders and I have to push down that churning ache in my stomach. She seems to lean away from him, only subtly, and it's enough to soothe that burn.

Eyes settle on us, and Ben nudges me with his elbow. "Quit staring, Nadia." He whispers, "people are watching." Let them watch, I want to say, let them see who Billie really wants. But I say nothing, this is important for Billie.

Who would I be to make him seem the villain all because I want to be snug under his arm?

Sitting at our designated table, I look around. Billie's bandmates should be here soon, with their girlfriends. Billie attempts to make small talk with Madeline, but she shuts it down with blunt replies and a generous amount of eye rolling. Ben and I watch the exchange in silence.

"Madeline," Billie sighs, "This is the last time you have to do this, so lighten up." He sounds bitter, but tired too. She turns to face him, her face lines of sharp feminine beauty. "Do not tell me to lighten up, Billie Joe." Her words are sharper, but this doesn't deter her soon to be ex-husband.

He leans back in his seat, "it'll make this a lot easier if you do. You might even enjoy it."

"Maybe I'll be fine once I've had some alcohol. Though I don't need to say that, since you know all about drinking away your problems." She sneers.

Billie blinks at her, incredulous, "What problems do you have, Madeline? Is your new man not so good in bed?" She looks disgusted by him, and opens her mouth to talk, but Ben interrupts. "Hey, Madeline, you wanna come get a drink with me?" My friend speaks gently, like he's trying to lure a scared dog out of a corner.

She stiffens when my friend says her name, but nods tightly, standing. She says nothing but still takes Ben's arm when he offers it to her. Ben wriggles his brows at me as he leads Madeline to the bar.

"You left something in the coat room, Nadia." Billie says.

I frown. "I didn't even go in the coat room."

"You left something in the coat room, Nadia." Only when he repeats it do I understand what he's saying. Nodding, I stand quickly, almost knocking the table. If he's doing what I think he's doing, someone might as well shoot me in the head now before I have a heart attack.

As I'm walking away, I look back at him, but he's focused on his phone. He's holding it landscape; his brows are drawn together, and lips parted in concentration. He's the prettiest man I've ever seen. The phone screen is far too bright, and it's shining on his face, illuminating his eyes to give the illusion of a twinkling star in either iris – like he's some Disney princess.

The coat room is cold, and for a minute I just stand in here like an idiot. Maybe Billie wanted me away for a while because he hasn't showed up yet.

With a click, the door opens, and I mentally prepare an excuse for why I'm stood in the coat room alone. Luckily, I'm not asked why I'm in here, because it's Billie who comes in. He locks the door behind him, and I angle my head.

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